ASHLIIN: I have minimal understanding of this. I can't see how this herd immunity would work out.
People would get it over time(not intentionally of course) and become immune(to varying degrees) to the current strain(s), then they would have antibodies to the strain(s) in their blood.
Also from what i've read they(doctors) can
TRANSFER some of those recovered people's blood(
via transfusions)(with the antibodies for some covid strains in it) to an elderly or vulnerable person who isn't sick to give them some immunity(from whatever strain the recovered person had antibodies against).
ASHLIIN: Shouldn't they need to develop a vaccine first ?
A vaccine could take anywhere from
18 months(if everything went right, which is highly unlikely) to
10+ YEARS(as said in the video Kai2 linked a bit back in the thread). Since we cannot lock everyone down for that long we need to find other ways to protect as many as we can as long as we can and mitigate the problems caused by this sickness.
ASHLIIN: This sounds like just let the virus free. How does that help the people?
It's more like they(govts) are trying to slow it enough so that people will still get sick(by accident of course), BUT the hospitals can handle it better and save more/most lives in the process instead of everyone getting sick at once & having the world's medical support networks start to break down.
The problem(imo) is that no country took it seriously enough and locked down everything from "day one"......if we did that we'd likely have not needed to resort to things like herd immunity as much(if at all).
Fonzer: That is grim, herd immunity really isn't the way i think. The problem is the rise of infections too fast and the need for more people to be hospitilaized and then the hospitals get too overburdened because of it. And people could die because they couldn't get on respiratory devices since they are in use. But still people can die even with the help of respiratory devices.
Herd immunity wouldn't mean letting everyone get sick all at'd be people doing proper safety steps to stay healthy while letting the virus work it's way more slowly through the populations.....that way less people would need to be hospitalized and eventually a bunch of people would become more or less naturally immune(to whatever strain(s) they had been sick with).
Also as I said before, their blood can be used in some cases(by doctors) to very likely impart that immunity to those who need it most(via transfusion by medical professionals).