catpower1980: So as it's a world-wide forum (not US-centric), I was a bit curious how people here feel about the Greek situation regarding Europe and their debts right now as we're one week before what could be a big turn of events in EU history (or not....).
It's economics warfare, economic terrorism, mafia crime, Fascist Coup, take your pick. The facts as I have heard them are:
0) Tthe previous Greek government knowingly acquired impossible to pay loans from private banks who knew that the loans were impossible to pay.
1) When these private banks could not use the loans as leverage to acquire Greek hertage assets in place of the impossible payments, they sold the loans to the European Central Bank, ECB.
2) the ECB is composed of private banks, some of the same ones who made these impossible to pay loans.
3) The ECB bought the impossible to pay loans using European tax dollars while knowing that the loans were impossible to pay.
So, the private banks who knowingly made failing loans got rich for their failing loans. They profited off their intentional incompetance, at the expense of the European Public. The European Public has been sold into debt slavery by their politicians, their central bank, and the private banking industry.
I guess the IMF has done the same in this instance.
The same thing happened in 2008 in the US and Europe involving the housing bubble. The only countries in the world that have behaved intelligently in these events are Iceland who nationalized their banks rather than put thier citizens in debt slavery, and under the circumstances lately Greece. Yes, Greece.
This is a no win situation for Greece if by win you imagine full frontal assualt, knight in shining white armor, conquistador.
Winning can only be had by rebelion at this point. Greece still has ability to rebel and the world is so shocked by the fact hat they are next if Greece falls that Greece is no longer alone here, even if they are held in some contempt.
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you value your freedom, you must REBEL. You will know your patriots from your traitors by their willingness and ability to REBEL. FUCK THE FASCIST BANKING SYSTEM! Give the enemy a warm hospitable welcome and twist the knife, be a pleasant and gracious host.