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fronzelneekburm: Deckard being a hew-mon makes the theatrical cut of the original film canon and is thus putting an end to Sir Ridley's oh-so-clever post-production-induced brain fart of Deckard being a replicant.
I think I'll leave this one to Breja, he's the even bigger Blade Runner dork. Not dumping on the rest of your review, your opinion is well accepted, I'm just impressed how a single sentence can contain so much factual WRONG though.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by Vainamoinen
fronzelneekburm: Deckard being a hew-mon makes the theatrical cut of the original film canon and is thus putting an end to Sir Ridley's oh-so-clever post-production-induced brain fart of Deckard being a replicant.
Vainamoinen: I think I'll leave this one to Breja, he's the even bigger Blade Runner dork. Not dumping on the rest of your review, your opinion is well accepted, I'm just impressed how a single sentence can contain so much factual WRONG though.
Don't be lazy now, ya hear! If you found FACTUAL (!) WRONG, feel free to point it out.

Here's what I base my assessments on:

Deckard being a replicant is Sir Ridley's brain fart:
- Deckard's a hew-mon in the script (I believe scriptwriter Hampton Fancher is on record that he thinks the concept of Deckard being a replicant is total bollocks - I may be wrong on this though)
- Deckard's a hew-mon in the theatrical cut
- Harrison Ford doesn't like sci-fi, so he really doesn't give a shit either way.

Deckard is a hew-mon in the second one:
They're trying to placate fans of the original by saying both interpretations are still valid and Deckard might be either. I get that they don't want to alienate half of their fanbase by stating that one or the other is right. So let's try simple mathematics, yes? Replicants have a 4 year life span. This is repeatedly stated throughout the film. The first one takes place in 2019, the second one in 2049. If Deckard is a replicant, how come he isn't maggot fodder by now?
fronzelneekburm: Postscript: Blade Runner 2049
There's a lot here I don't agree with (and some that I do) but I don't feel like arguing about it, because even where we disagree, I don't exactly think you're *wrong*. Just that we look at it very differently. While the mood is certainly of pivotal importance, I definately don't agree that there's nothing beneath the surface. I think there's plenty, but if all you took away from it is the mood and the beauty of the experience and enjoyed yourself... I certainly don't think you're to be berated for that.

One thing I can defiantely agree with are the similarities to Drive, both in Gosling's character and the reliance of building a somewhat similiar mood. Hell, there are even some similarities in the story. The role in Drive definately got Gosling the role in BR. That said, BR is definately a vastly superior movie. I found the 95 minutes of Drive to be somewhat tedious, while the 160 minutes of BR just flew by.

Ok, there's one thing where you are definately wrong.
fronzelneekburm: Deckard being a hew-mon makes the theatrical cut of the original film canon and is thus putting an end to Sir Ridley's oh-so-clever post-production-induced brain fart of Deckard being a replicant.
The movie does nothing to clear up Deckard's case. It is in fact done deliberately. There is a scene where Wallace, when speaking to Deckard, very clearly mentions the possibility that he is a replicant, though he does not state that is definately the case.

That said, I never accepted Deckard as a replicant. I don't mind some ambiguity on the subject, but to me the very idea seems so wrong, it never even crosses my mind when I watch the original.

Oh, and I have no idea why you say that no one here has seen or cares about the original? I know for a fact I'm not the only fan of it here.

Vainamoinen: I think I'll leave this one to Breja, he's the even bigger Blade Runner dork.
That's probably the nicest thing anyone here said about me. No joke.
fronzelneekburm: Deckard is a hew-mon in the second one:
They're trying to placate fans of the original by saying both interpretations are still valid and Deckard might be either. I get that they don't want to alienate half of their fanbase by stating that one or the other is right. So let's try simple mathematics, yes? Replicants have a 4 year life span. This is repeatedly stated throughout the film.
It's also stated that it's not the case for all of them. And I think the scene I mentioned with Wallace clearly implies that if Deckard was programmed with a special purpose, he also would not have been constrained by the 4 year expiration date.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by Breja
Breja: *snip*
Cheers, mate! Again, I want to stretch that the above rant/review wasn't arguing for the case that I find BR2049 bad or even mediocre, I just wanted to point out some of the flaws I saw with it that kept it out of the masterpiece-tier in my eyes. It's definitely a good movie though, so more power to people who enjoyed it.

Breja: Oh, and I have no idea why you say that no one here has seen or cares about the original? I know for a fact I'm not the only fan of it here.
Oh, I was just referring to Chinese audiences (after all, China is increasingly becoming Hollywood studios' escape hatch for films that bombed at the US box office)! The reception BR2049 got from Chinese moviegoers was... cold, to say the least. "No one here" in this case meant "no one here in China", not "no one here on the forum".
Matewis: The only 2017 films I've seen are Blade Runner and Alien: Covenant. I missed several that I wanted to see : Kong, It, Thor: Ragnarok, Logan, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justice League.
Might work in The Last Jedi some time, but after epVII I'm not really in the mood :P
Well, give it a try. The Last Jedi is better than VII, but not as good as Rogue One, IMO.

Other than that: I'd recommend to catch up on Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Thor: Ragnarok. They were fun to watch. Typical witty and a bit over-the-top Marvel movies. Haven't seen Logan or JLA but It was meh. The original is better.
Breja: Oh, and I have no idea why you say that no one here has seen or cares about the original? I know for a fact I'm not the only fan of it here.
fronzelneekburm: Oh, I was just referring to Chinese audiences (after all, China is increasingly becoming Hollywood studios' escape hatch for films that bombed at the US box office)! The reception BR2049 got from Chinese moviegoers was... cold, to say the least. "No one here" in this case meant "no one here in China", not "no one here on the forum".
Ah, that makes sense. The whole case with the Chinese box office is quite interesting. Star Wars isn't important to it either - just now the Last Jedi failed to even opent there in the top spot, beaten out by a local romantic comedy. It's also funny how the hollywood movies that were the biggest success over there are definately not the ones that tried very hard to endear themselves to the Chinese audience (by casting Chinese actors for example).
Post edited January 06, 2018 by Breja

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
was not only the worst star wars movie, it was the worst film of 2017 PERIOD.

The independent critics on youtube and the general audience completely thrashed the movie.

So many plot holes, WTF moments, bad writing, shoe-horned feminist and SJW messages completely ruined the movie.

And to add insult to the injury, they killed off the best star wars character which was Luke Skywalker.
fronzelneekburm: Won't come out in China until January 5th. I read a bunch of imdb reviews because I felt like having a bit of schadenfreude and was also curious why this was getting such a hostile audience reaction. Usually nothing would make me more happy than a cashcow-franchise falling flat on its face, but somehow reading those reviews genuinely depressed me. Judging by those reviews, I'm expecting it to be at least Alien Covenant-tier awful.
tinyE: When I went to see it everyone in the theater applauded.
Ah I thought it was a meme that Americans clap after a movie is done, guess it is real.

Back to topic:
Best Movie: John Wick 2
Loved the first part and I liked the way it set things up for part 3.

Best Surprise: Blade Runner 2049
Soundtrack felt like the weakest part of the movie for me but otherwise I enjoyed it very much.

Biggest Disappointment: Baby Driver
Not to say it was a bad movie but expected more from Edgar Wright and I'd say this has to be my least favorite movie of his.

Worst Movie: Spider-man: Homecoming
It was unfunny and boring, I needed a lot of patience to sit through it. Probably may not be the worst movie released in 2017 but definitely worst I've seen in last year.
Breja: The whole case with the Chinese box office is quite interesting. Star Wars isn't important to it either
You're absolutely spot-on in that assessment. Star Wars doesn't really mean anything here. I have yet to see an official DVD-release of the original movies or even the prequels - if there is one, I haven't come across it. It speaks volumes that they had to hire an ultra-popular teen-idol and former member or a Korean boy band by the name of Luhan to be the official brand ambassador. I shit you not when I say that they never showed a proper trailer for "The Force Awakens" in Chinese cinemas, it was always the Luhan version (which I'm sure you can find on youtube - which I do recommend, because it nicely illustrates that they were kind of grasping for straws here in terms of how to make Star Wars look cool in the eyes of young Chinese moviegoers).

You wouldn't believe the amount of marketing that was put into promoting "The Force Awakens" here. Star Wars everywhere. Every conceivable brand you could think of had some cross-promotion deal and was advertising Star Wars. They built a friggin life-size X-Wing in the middle of the Sanlitun shopping area. Ultimately, I don't think it paid off. Most Chinese I talked to felt utterly indifferent towards "The Force Awakens". You can buy a lot of things with money, but you can't buy your franchise the same status of a popcultural icon that SW has acquired in the West in the last 40 years. You can't really bribe your way into the hearts and minds of people like that. And while it might have been successful (I don't have any numbers) I don't think Disney got quite the returns they were hoping for, because their promotional efforts for "The Last Jedi" have been pretty much nonexistent so far. It was similar with "Rouge One", which opened here to little fanfare, but I chalked that up to it being a spin-off. There are some posters and you see the trailers in cinemas, but that's it. No Darth Vader on every box of cereals, no lightsaber in every happy meal, no Luhan endorsement and no life-size X-Wings. A shame, that thing looked really cool!

Breja: It's also funny how the hollywood movies that were the biggest success over there are definately not the ones that tried very hard to endear themselves to the Chinese audience (by casting Chinese actors for example).
I think the most blatant example of these attempts at ingratiating themselves with Chinese audiences would be the new Independence Day. I've only seen the version shown in Chinese cinemas, but there was a scene early in the film which had such blatant Chinese product placement I wondered whether this was different in the version shown in other markets: I can't remember the details, but it was two characters chatting via video call and after the call ends you hear a voice going "Thank you for using QQ!" This struck me as such an oddly specific Chinese thing that I couldn't help but wonder if that was put specifically in the Chinese version.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by fronzelneekburm
Breja: The whole case with the Chinese box office is quite interesting. Star Wars isn't important to it either
fronzelneekburm: You're absolutely spot-on in that assessment. Star Wars doesn't really mean anything here. I have yet to see an official DVD-release of the original movies or even the prequels - if there is one, I haven't come across it. It speaks volumes that they had to hire an ultra-popular teen-idol and former member or a Korean boy band by the name of Luhan to be the official brand ambassador. I shit you not when I say that they never showed a proper trailer for "The Force Awakens" in Chinese cinemas, it was always the Luhan version (which I'm sure you can find on youtube - which I do recommend, because it nicely illustrates that they were kind of grasping for straws here in terms of how to make Star Wars look cool in the eyes of young Chinese moviegoers).

You wouldn't believe the amount of marketing that was put into promoting "The Force Awakens" here. Star Wars everywhere. Every conceivable brand you could think of had some cross-promotion deal and was advertising Star Wars. They built a friggin life-size X-Wing in the middle of the Sanlitun shopping area. Ultimately, I don't think it paid off. Most Chinese I talked to felt utterly indifferent towards "The Force Awakens". You can buy a lot of things with money, but you can't buy your franchise the same status of a popcultural icon that SW has acquired in the West in the last 40 years.
I can easily imagine it, since it's very much like that here in Poland with Star Trek. Because of the iron curtain Trek didn't reach us until decades later, I'm not sure if there was any of it on tv here before the 90s. It never cought on. Generations was the first film to hit our cinemas, an obviously it bombed super hard, since it's entirely incomprehensible for non-fans. As a result, First Contact and Insurrection didn't even have a theatrical release. There are some hardcore fans, like myself, but in general people know nothing about it, it has zero of that iconic status it has in the west, where even people who are not fans know that if you want someone to beam you up Scotty is the man and you don't wear a red shirt on an alien planet.

Of course, there was never a big push to make Trek a thing here like with SW in China, not even when the new Abrams movies - Trek doesn't have that kind of a marketing machine, and we're not nearly as valuable a market. But at least those new films get theatrical releases and you can see some posters for them, and they seem to be doing ok-ish. But much like SW in China, they are seen as "just some american sci-fi films".
Post edited January 06, 2018 by Breja
I haven't watch a lot of movies, since I don't to to the theaters. From what I have watched:
The best - Logan, the worst - The Last Jedi.
Is there anyone here who hated "Last Jedi" that isn't a conservative? :P

Serious question.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by tinyE
Matewis: The only 2017 films I've seen are Blade Runner and Alien: Covenant. I missed several that I wanted to see : Kong, It, Thor: Ragnarok, Logan, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justice League.
Might work in The Last Jedi some time, but after epVII I'm not really in the mood :P
Lifthrasil: Well, give it a try. The Last Jedi is better than VII, but not as good as Rogue One, IMO.

Other than that: I'd recommend to catch up on Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Thor: Ragnarok. They were fun to watch. Typical witty and a bit over-the-top Marvel movies. Haven't seen Logan or JLA but It was meh. The original is better.
Yeah I'll probably go and watch it, though come to think of it I should hurry if I still want to catch it :P

Edit : Aaand I should've been more careful. Just read a major epVIII spoiler in this thread :P Though can't say I'm surprised about it. Must be the success of the earlier Game of Thrones seasons.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by Matewis
tinyE: Is there anyone here who hated "Last Jedi" that isn't a conservative? :P

Serious question.
Groot? Ok, I don't know his political views, but I very much doubt his problems with the movie had anything to do with an SJW conspiracy to replace white males with reptilians :P

I myself definately didn't hate the movie, but I don't think it was good either. I'm not sure what one word could describe a"definately bad and very stupid movie I still mostly enjoyed" :D
tinyE: Is there anyone here who hated "Last Jedi" that isn't a conservative? :P

Serious question.
You sure have a fanatical obsession with star wars dont you ?

People like you will buy just about any star wars merchandise. Even if someone is selling bag of shit with star wars written on the bag, idiots like you will buy it.

Here you go a liberal white male cuck like you tinye who HATES star wars.

Even Luke Skywalker HATES the movie- Just look at his reaction after watching the world premiere.

The link above at 2:16 describes idiot fans like tinye very aptly.
Post edited January 06, 2018 by donton1234