Enebias: Where I live the ISP never throttle the connection, it's illegal (moves the knife in the wound). Still, I rarely reach the 500kbps. We use telegraph to download data.
tinyE: I downloaded Saints Row 4. Took me six hours. :P
500Kb was what I had up until about a year r so ago when my ISP got a new satellite (I guess). Now, my upload is still a joke. Like I tell people when they want to MP, If I shot at you, you would have already blown my ass to pieces five minutes before my shot ever got to you.
Sigh, I have soo many bad memories about online shooters. I would be quite good at them, as my few LAN parties prove, but on the internet... my goodness. All the lagging, random spawning, invisible moves and so on made it seem a surreal nightmarish movie. I stopped playing online years ago because I was being pulverized without even knowing why.
P.S. I needed A WEEK to download The Witcher 3. Seriously.
Thank God for pre-load.