GameRager: Also what did you think of bulletstorm? So far it seems a bit unique to me with it's kill system and whatnot.
I liked Bulletstorm a good bit iirc. I didn't like the "attitude" it had much, but the gameplay and visuals were quite good I think. I played the original version on Origin, but now there's a "remaster" on Steam that I can't speak to the quality of.
DreamedArtist: In Canada here, We have titan fall 2 xbox one version at the dollar store for 4 dollars new. I'm tempted to get it to try it out.
Very worth it for that price. I got it for $10 I think and it was well worth that. I agree with falster above that I wouldn't have bought it for $60 day one just for singleplayer, but at $20 or less I think it's quite solid. It's much better than the campaigns for stuff like Battlefront or Call of Duty.
I would point out that like Doom 2016 it seems super fast-paced to me for using analog stick aiming, but since no one on console really complains I guess it's fine. I don't know how they do it though! Haha.