JakobFel: I wanted to take a moment to thank/appreciate GOG for updating the way cookies are used on this site. Anything like this which gives users greater control over their data privacy is absolutely appreciated. I use tracker blockers on all of my browsers so the use of marketing/preference/tracking cookies didn't bother me too much but the fact that GOG made it easier to disable ones we don't want is a nice gesture.
I always find it funny when the words data privacy is used by US. Really gave me a laugh for the day.
In terms of cookie policy, it’s a complete joke, like all these policies. Every web page you go to now has a “cookie policy” page, set of pages, lists, or some other convoluted method of boring, confusing, downright misleading you into allowing the like the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, to scrape every tiny bit of data they can. That is why this came up in the first place, US mega companies who think privacy only applies to their tax returns (heads up, for outside US it’s 0%, actually more like -5% once business relief and other incentives are included). It was GDPR, which is a policy which may have been somewhat effective if released in the 90s. Unfortunately as with anything, the millions of lawyer teams that companies have to get around anything put out means these rules once again only disrupt users, Google and such like trample on across the world.
You can clear cache and cookies, have no script, disconnect from the net it doesn’t matter, they will scan everything regardless be it from smart devices or phones, or drones/Google world mapping. Heck there was a thread here just the other day where someone showed all the different trackers that GOG uses from the likes of Facebook, Google and Amazon.