andysheets1975: I can deal with jazz music, but jazz fans are the snottiest music fans of them all. I loved my grandpa but he was a jazz fan and would gladly tell you every chance he got that all forms of music (yes, ALL) are useless bullshit next to the brilliance of jazz :p
timppu: I tried to find (with google and youtube) the kind of jazz I specifically hate. I thought it would be "modern jazz" but then in Youtube that is not what I meant.
The kind of jazz I dislike is kind of anti-music, not music at all. It has no real melody IMHO, just random notes one after another (or so it sounds to me).
Also, for me the power of music comes from the feelings that it creates in me, be it happy music, sad music, adrenaline-pumping action music, aggressive heavy metal music, eerie music, romantic music etc. Anti-music jazz doesn't make me feel anything, it just... is. Random notes.
Rap is a close second of the kind of music I don't like much, but at least I have heard some rap music I liked, and it can create different feelings in me.
In the case of Jazz, there is some Jazz that is just dull and just isn't interesting to listen to.
For an example of dull Jazz that just doesn't really do anything, take Dave Brubek's "Time Out" album, and pretty much any part of that album that is in 4/4 time is rather dull and uninteresting. (Those familiar with this particular album will realize that this flaw doesn't ruin the entire album.)
By the way, random notes actually does make me feel something; if you take random chromatic notes, the feeling is a rather strange and tense feeling, while if you restrict yourself to the pentatonic scale, it actually sounds decent. (By random, I literally mean having a computer generate random numbers and converting them into MIDI messages; yes, I've actually done that.)
dtgreene: My opinion on metal is that it is a material (or, rather, a class of materials), not a genre of music.
Cavalary: Even if you take it as a subgenre of rock, it'd still count as a genre of music, wouldn't it?
If you took orange as a subgenre of rock, would you count it as a genre of music? That's how I sometimes think of with respect to metal.
More seriously, the whole genre of rock is not something I can listen to because of electric guitar and the singing style; I'd rather listen to operatic sopranos singing at the top of their lungs, at the top of their range, and slightly out of tune.
dtgreene: Electric guitar is a bad instrument and should never be used.
Cavalary: Grates me too, but got used to it. When it's pretty much the foundation of the genre you listen to, you make do, and it does have its place in the mix, but I very much prefer it if they tone it down, and do without the solos altogether (no drum solos either please). Pile on the bass, absolutely, but a song led by an electric guitar (not to mention two) is... harsh on the ears, and guitar solos way worse, especially when they get to high notes.
I just avoid any genre where that instrument is the foundation.
Unfortunately, during normal times I can't do so because so many public places (including grocery stores and restaurants) insist on playing such music in the background. (I have been lucky with the pharmacy at the doctor's office; they tend to play classical there, which doesn't have the issue.)
By the way, how do you feel about the high notes on the opper woodwinds (piccolo, flute, clarinet)?