The last mission of Freespace (base game, non-modded), playing in the hardest Insane difficulty level.
Ok so I am supposed to destroy Lucifer. I have an Ulysses fighter, while the three others in the Alpha wing are Ursa bombers, Beta wing is one Ursa bomber and three Hercules fighters, and then the Delta and Epsilon wings are what they are. All fighters are in a pretty good condition, I have 100% hull and all the others are green, except one Beta wingman is red (taken damage in the earlier mission). So I presume i should be in quite a good position for the last mission.
I have tried different approaches to killing Lucifer (also ones suggested in various walkthroughs), but I don't really know how to achieve it.
1. I let every wing do whatever they want, meaning all the other wings will mostly fight the enemy fighters, while Delta wing proceeds with its bombing run. Delta wing seems to do jack shit about destroying the reactors. At first I think they managed luckily to destroy 3 out of 5 reactors, but in the subsequent retries they usually don't seem to be able to destroy even one. Delta wing seems pretty much useless, even though they are the ones who are supposed to destroy Lucifer.
Some walkthrough suggested I should destroy turret guns on the Lucifer so that the Delta bombers have a better chance to get the Harbinger bombs through, but the problem is it seems to take like 2 minutes of constant shooting with twin-Prometheus guns to destroy even one turret gun. So I can destroy only like 2-3 turret guns during the whole mission, if I concentrate solely on them. The turrets seem to have massive armor.
I've also tried to kill the reactors myself one by one, but that seems quite slow too. I was able to destroy reactor 1 by myself, but proceeding to reactor 2, nearby autoturrets and missile launchers activate, and start pounding me. Even if they didn't, I fear I simply don't have enough mission time to destroy all five reactors, it takes so long to destroy even one.
2. Some walkthrough suggested you simply tell the Beta wing to disable Lucifer (destroying two engines), and then you have all the time you need to destroy it as it can't move/jump anymore. Ok, but the Beta wing never seems to achieve that. At best I think they got Engine 1 down to 70% and Engine 2 down to 94%. Wow, quite a long way still... It doesn't matter even if I tell all the wings/fighters to disable Lucifer, it just seems to be an impossible task to them (and then there are also the enemy fighters to consider, someone should keep them busy too).
3. I try to kill the engines myself by parking very close to them, but it seems a very slow task with twin-Prometheus guns, I don't think I have enough time in the mission to destroy them both. Maybe one, at best.
But then there is also the problem that nearby enemy turrets and missile launchers keep targeting me near the engines. I haven't found a safe place there where I could avoid them. Sometimes parking veeeery close to the enemy mothership hull is a safe place, but not in this case, not near the engines.
4. Some walkthroughs suggested I should select an Ursa bomber for myself in the earlier mission, and load it full with Harbingers, then I could destroy the reactors/Lucifer myself with them.
Ok, but Ursa is so damn slow that if you select it, you have to fight countless waves of very hard enemies in the previous mission before reaching the jump point. With an Ulysses or Valkyrie, you can outrun the enemies and jump out to the last mission as soon as all friendly wings have appeared.
Also my earlier experiences with the Harbinger bombs haven't been that good. If I launch one from a distance towards an enemy ship, then it will simply shoot it down with its autoturrets. If I get very close so that they can't do that, then I will take major damage to myself from the splash damage, from each Harbinger.
I tried the Ursa approach once, but at the end rest of the Alpha wing, and the whole Beta and Epsilon wings, had died from the countless enemy waves. So there was only me in an Ursa, and the Delta wing, for the last mission then. Nope, that was not doable, the last mission is totally impossible with that setup, you definitely need all the fighters to fight the enemy fighters as long as possible. That's why I replayed the earlier mission in an Ulysses so that I could get the other wings in a good condition to the last mission.
Still trying to figure this one out... I think my best chance is in trying to destroy the two engines on Lucifer, and then try to find a safe spot somewhere near its hull where neither the autoturrets/missile launchers nor enemy fighters can reach me, and then just pound the Lucifer hull with my Prometheus guns for half an hour or so that it takes to destroy it down to 0%. But how to get those engines destroyed ASAP, that's the problem.
Post edited February 10, 2016 by timppu