Playing the simulator missions of Freespace: Silent Threat. Basically these, but the originals, not the HD remake as in these videos: These are basically fan-made missions which were included to the Silent Threat expansion pack as single missions. I think I mentioned earlier that generally these feel even better and more polished than most Freespace campaign missions. This manifests itself with the difficulty level, which to me feels is less frustrating that in many campaign missions. The makers of these missions have apparently chosen not to use similar irritating design decisions as in main campaign, like throwing endless stream of enemy fighters at you.
However, the mission Hunted (number 17?) seemed to have some scripting bug. You are supposed to disable and capture at least two of the three enemy ships which are fleeing, while fighting several waves of enemy fighters. At least in Insane difficulty, it seems the best option is that you do the disabling, with e.g. a light bomber with Stiletto missiles.
So I tell all my wingmen to engage enemy, while I try to concentrate on disabling the engines of those three ships before they go too far. the other option for you is to also engage enemy fighters and after they are destroyed, go for the escaping ships, but they tend to get quite far by then.
After lots of retries, I was able to disable the engines with dual-Stilettos on those three ships. Whenever some enemy fighter was on my tail, I had to tell all wingmen to concentrate on fighting it, instead of whatever they were fighting at the time.
So there I was, three disabled enemy ships, and no more enemy fighters around, and I still had most of my wingmen alive. Problem was that nothing happened after that. Was there supposed to come some shuttle or something to actually capture the disabled enemy ships? I never saw any such coming.
I think there is a scripting bug possibly in that Hunted mission. I apparently played too good(!), disabling them faster than I should have, because apparently when they get closer to the jump point, more enemies (including one bigger ship) should appear, and maybe at that point also any friendly capture ships?
Instead of trying to replay the game again as the developer apparently wanted me to play, I decided to skip it. For all I care, I fulfilled the mission objectives, but the game wouldn't register the mission as successful because I was doing it too successfully. Oh well, at least you can simply skip to the next mission in the simulator missions...
I'm now playing the 19th mission, "Into the Fire".