Look, I know you mean well, dude, but do you have to drag politics, race, sexuality, etc. into EVERYTHING? There's nothing wrong with you trying to make an argument, but can you PLEASE keep it to the political threads? We come to the forum to screw around and have fun, not to squabble over what's wrong with the world.
We're already accepting enough as it is, it's not exactly easy to discriminate against an avatar. You could be a hyper-intelligent cyborg axolotl in a dress for all I know, but as long as you can be a decent guy, I don't care. Welcome aboard. But if you're going to go around screaming "LOOK AT ME! I'M A HYPER-INTELLIGENT CYBORG AXOLOTL IN A DRESS! MY AMPHIBIOUS BRETHREN DEMAND TO BE NOTICED!", then yeah, we're gonna get sick of it.
We accept you just fine, you're a decent guy. In fact, we're fine with darn near everything about you EXCEPT this constant need to push LGBT and social justice issues in places it's completely irrelevant and nobody was even talking about that to begin with. If you're trying to raise awareness, do it in the appropriate place. We understand that these issues are present and we understand that the world isn't great and we understand that things need to change, but don't beat us over the head with it. If you want to make a thread dedicated to that, ok, fine. If you find a thread dedicated to that, ok, fine. But you bringing it up, no matter how subtly, at every given opportunity, is like trying to have a conversation with an overly-eager toothpaste salesman.
"Gee, the weather sure is nice today!"
"Yes, the sun's as bright as your teeth would be if you used Fresh N' Easy toothpaste!"
As far as making people uncomfortable goes and downvoting posts, yeah, dude, this is the internet. Not everybody's gonna be overly-sensitive to people and their feelings. Heck, few are gonna even be sensitive at ALL. Here's a fun experiment for you: Try making a social justice rant in 4chan! I'm sure you'd just LOVE the response you get! Or, oh wait, even better, a YouTube comment section! And on top of that, if you're worried about an imaginary number on a forum with only maybe a few hundred regular members, boy, have I got some bad news for you about life.
I don't normally respond to bait like this, but you seem to ignore REPEATED explanations of why you can be a problem sometimes and REPEATED requests of why we kindly want you to desist. Once again, I don't hate you, nor am I attempting to personally attack you. I just feel that you need to understand why people are upset with you time and time again and insist that you tone it down.
So, to summarize:
You're bait, even if you don't mean to be bait. Please stop.
And if you mean to be bait, get out.
We apologize for this rant of seriousness. We now return to our normally-scheduled zeogold.