Reznov64: Cyberpunk is rubbish. They still refuse to fix the game and have abandoned it in favor of making an equally broken sequel.
superstande: You are entitled to your opinion. Maybe it is broken yeah. But I've watched hours and hours of streams of the latest update and looks pretty good to me. Especially since I used to be a DM for the pen 'n' paper original. Haven't played it and am in no hurry to since I don't have a card for it but looks cool.
The autosave system cannot be disabled and every time it makes an autosave, the game freezes up and on occasion will crash if it is trying to autosave in the middle of a loading screen or cutscene. The autosave system creates up to over 20+ slots at less than three minutes apart, instead of just rewriting a single slot, it makes more and more and more of them which wears down SSDs very fast even with TRIM support. Many people have requested an option to disable autosaves and GOG has ignored everyone.
I have not touched the game since the last update as there still is no way to disable the autosaves.