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Hotline Miami 2's level editor is out of beta and has been officially released five days ago. On Steam. Not here. Where is it? Is it coming? When? I don't think I'm alone thinking that HM2 is a crushing disappointment and that a level editor would be its main saving grace... It can't come here soon enough.
fronzelneekburm: words
Until we get our fabled community moderator thingy person, I doubt anything about this game or others that are missing stuff will be attended to. Just found another game I own is like a month out of date. Sorry to sound blunt, but to answer your question (with another question) - who the fuck knows around here of late?
Yeah, not that it surprises me. What DOES surprise me is how I'm apparently the only schmuck who's bothered by the editor not being here. At all. I mean, the motherfucking Brexit thread has some 1000 replies, the GUN release thread is filled to the brim with anger about region locking, so I guess the gog userbase contingent for outrage is all used up for now and nobody really cares about the editor any more.

Another thing that pisses me off is how Dennaton even provided tech feedback and support for HM1 on friggin Pirate Bay, saying something to the effect that even if someone pirated their game, they still want them to have the best possible experience. But gog CUSTOMERS can't even get that editor that is promised to them on the game's page.

gog customers: literally worth less than a Pirate Bay user.
I've liked the original game. But the second game is already on your "Games that treat GOG customers as second-class" GOGmix, making it even less likely for me to get it.

And now, this. Based on their previous treatment of their 2nd game, color me not surprised.
Oh right. The level editor. Totally forgot about that and to be honest i didn't follow the development but it's mentioned on the GOG page which makes its absense unacceptable...
PookaMustard: I've liked the original game. But the second game is already on your "Games that treat GOG customers as second-class" GOGmix, making it even less likely for me to get it.

And now, this. Based on their previous treatment of their 2nd game, color me not surprised.
But there is still a difference between not having access to a soundtrack and and a promised part of the game. Don't get me wrong not being able to buy the complete soundstrack is a major annoyance especially since it's possible on steam but not getting the level editor is on a completely different level...
ElTerprise: Oh right. The level editor. Totally forgot about that and to be honest i didn't follow the development but it's mentioned on the GOG page which makes its absense unacceptable...
PookaMustard: I've liked the original game. But the second game is already on your "Games that treat GOG customers as second-class" GOGmix, making it even less likely for me to get it.

And now, this. Based on their previous treatment of their 2nd game, color me not surprised.
ElTerprise: But there is still a difference between not having access to a soundtrack and and a promised part of the game. Don't get me wrong not being able to buy the complete soundstrack is a major annoyance especially since it's possible on steam but not getting the level editor is on a completely different level...
The editor just recently left beta, so now would be a good time for it to release.
But much as I like Gog, face it: If you buy a recent game on Gog, be prepared for a sub-par experience.

I still buy recent games on Gog, but if I have any intention of trying to get into community content, or just look forward to content updates, I'll steer clear of Gog for this exact reason. It's been years since Escape Goat 2 released here (I believe) and it's still without editor on Gog.

Edit: Not to mention Legend of Grimrock which took what, about half a year? A year? from the editor releasing on Steam to it getting released on Gog (I'm assuming the editor is available now?)
Post edited June 27, 2016 by DrakeFox
Where's Hotline Miami 2???
DrakeFox: The editor just recently left beta, so now would be a good time for it to release.
But much as I like Gog, face it: If you buy a recent game on Gog, be prepared for a sub-par experience.

I still buy recent games on Gog, but if I have any intention of trying to get into community content, or just look forward to content updates, I'll steer clear of Gog for this exact reason. It's been years since Escape Goat 2 released here (I believe) and it's still without editor on Gog.

Edit: Not to mention Legend of Grimrock which took what, about half a year? A year? from the editor releasing on Steam to it getting released on Gog (I'm assuming the editor is available now?)
Well were the level editors mentioned on the gamecard of the other games? If they were it's the exact same situation like with HM2 but if not it's indeed a sub-par, lacking game experience but not blatant lies...
I expect this sort of thing from GOG and I own HM2 on Steam, otherwise I'd be pretty pissed off too.

I will say that the editor is pretty powerful, you could easily create another whole Hotline game with it.
ElTerprise: But there is still a difference between not having access to a soundtrack and and a promised part of the game. Don't get me wrong not being able to buy the complete soundstrack is a major annoyance especially since it's possible on steam but not getting the level editor is on a completely different level...
Indeed. And a game such as Hotline Miami 2 would be purdy fun for a friend of mine, so having no level editor for him to keep dying in custom levels is indeed, on a completely different level.

I also hate it when the game hooks modding or level editing to the proprietary Steam Workshop...
PookaMustard: Indeed. And a game such as Hotline Miami 2 would be purdy fun for a friend of mine, so having no level editor for him to keep dying in custom levels is indeed, on a completely different level.

I also hate it when the game hooks modding or level editing to the proprietary Steam Workshop...
That's for sure. Not to mention that it was one of the big advertised features of the game if i'm not mistaken...especially since they won't make another HM game...

Yep. That's indeed very annoying...
Austrobogulator: Where's Hotline Miami 2???
The same place it is on Steam for Australians - not available
CARRiON.FLOWERS: I expect this sort of thing from GOG and I own HM2 on Steam, otherwise I'd be pretty pissed off too.

I will say that the editor is pretty powerful, you could easily create another whole Hotline game with it.
How deeply would you say is the editor entrenched into Steamworks?
ElTerprise: RIP Schimanski
RIP indeed. I always expected Götz George to live way into his 80s, his death caught me completely by surprise. If you Germans are lucky, arte will show a rerun of "Die Katze" one of these days. They showed a brand new, uncensored HD master back in March.

And everyone who isn't German, has never heard of Götz George and happens to have a VHS player: Get your ass over to and get yourself the only English language version of "Die Katze" that I'm aware of. French cinephiles might want to look for a VHS titled "L'Annee Du Chat" released by Hachette. (I know nobody is going to actually do this. Which is a shame, because it's one of the best films to ever come out of Germany.)
DrakeFox: The editor just recently left beta, so now would be a good time for it to release.
But much as I like Gog, face it: If you buy a recent game on Gog, be prepared for a sub-par experience.

I still buy recent games on Gog, but if I have any intention of trying to get into community content, or just look forward to content updates, I'll steer clear of Gog for this exact reason. It's been years since Escape Goat 2 released here (I believe) and it's still without editor on Gog.

Edit: Not to mention Legend of Grimrock which took what, about half a year? A year? from the editor releasing on Steam to it getting released on Gog (I'm assuming the editor is available now?)
ElTerprise: Well were the level editors mentioned on the gamecard of the other games? If they were it's the exact same situation like with HM2 but if not it's indeed a sub-par, lacking game experience but not blatant lies...
Point very much taken. I didn't notice the level editor was actually advertised on the game card.
I recall Grimrock making a good deal about a level editor, but not on Gog itself.
fronzelneekburm: How deeply would you say is the editor entrenched into Steamworks?
Moderately? Here are some screens I quickly took.

As you can see, there are buttons like Publish that shoot your creation right onto Workshop, and some shortcuts mention the Workshop itself. Special views for levels downloaded from it, or being downloaded, and even fancy custom VHS style cover art that shows up in Workshop, just like the official levels in HM2. IDK how much work it would take to make a non-Steam version that doesn't focus on Steam Workshop, so anyone else's guess is as good as mine. But there you have it.