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Honestly, I don't know why people call game collectors "hoarders". Yeah, I understand that if a person is spending absurd amounts of money on games, that is a cause for concern. However, there are plenty of free games and cheap games that I don't play much of, but I'm more than happy to have them in my library because it's fun gradually collecting games over time.
Did the same,

with titles as anno 2070 ( or the older anno's ) abe's oddysee, just cause 2, Maffia 2, Mount & Blade fire with sword, Omerta it became a pretty respectable line-up but i know i never will play these games again.....

If i could ship them to china or africa i would have done so a long time ago

( like who am i kidding with a game such as pubg for free ;) )
JakobFel: Honestly, I don't know why people call game collectors "hoarders". Yeah, I understand that if a person is spending absurd amounts of money on games, that is a cause for concern. However, there are plenty of free games and cheap games that I don't play much of, but I'm more than happy to have them in my library because it's fun gradually collecting games over time.
Cause there are some with hundreds of games and most of their games are not even played once or just played like 10-20 mins. And I talk about not free/bundled games. Imho if you buy something just to have it but don't actually use it then you are a hoarder.

I wouldn't call that collecting as you should be able to trade away your collection like rl cards.
Post edited May 03, 2020 by Orkhepaj
I'd like to be able to remove games from my library, can't see why Gog can't get it together and allow this. For some reason some are against it. Just more options to control your games library.
I have Witcher III GOTY. I accidentally downloaded "Free DLC Program" which applies only to Witcher 3 vanilla edition, which I do not own. Now I have an entry in my library for Witcher 3 vanilla edition which if I click on it does not let me hide it and informs I need to own the base game to access the DLC (meaning the Free DLC Program stuff). Any GOG veterans have any ideas how to get this essentially non-functional vanilla edition entry out of my library? This is a benign example but shows it would be easier to let users have at least more of a way to hide stuff like this and not have it count towards their number of games, etc.
timppu: As long as I can hide and ignore the games I don't want to see, I fail to see the point why I should try to completely remove them from an online account.
Yep. I either "hide" them or sort them into a category called "trash" or something similar. It doesn't surprise me some have compulsive behaviors that make this not good enough though.
StingingVelvet: Yep. I either "hide" them or sort them into a category called "trash" or something similar. It doesn't surprise me some have compulsive behaviors that make this not good enough though.
I hide them as well, but it bugs me that they still count towards the total number of games,
I also dislike several other features of the library, e.g. the duplicate entries for some games (Wasteland 2, Pathologic and System Shock all have two entries, one for the original, one for the remaster). This artificially inflates the number of games. Since gaming is a guilty pleasure for me which I'm somewhat ashamed of, I'd like the number of games I own not to be even higher than it actually is.
Yes, I know, those are fairly ridiculous problems, and of course there's no chance Gog will ever change anything, given how broken this site is.
I'm sorry but why would you be ashamed of playing games?

There are people spending their lives watching TV news non-stop and yet they are not ashamed of that. Why would you be ashamed of a past time that actually requires you to think once in a while?
I would gladly have an option to remove "bad" games from my library without the need to apply to tech. support. Fortunately there are no such games in my GOG backlog. But I requested 2 removals so far: Bit-Trip something and Ion Maiden (Fury) Demo.

Some guys might even like this function to *show their support*: buy the game > remove the game > buy the game again... Yeah...

But this function should have some kind of hard limit like: *no more than 2 games per month and you have 30 calendar days to rethink and get it back again*. One day I was going to terminate my whole Steam and GOG accounts, thank goodness I overcome my rigid thinking eventually. Anyway that would be a nice feature, especially for demo games which take place on your game shelf for absolutely no good reason.
Cadaver747: I would gladly have an option to remove "bad" games from my library without the need to apply to tech. support. Fortunately there are no such games in my GOG backlog. But I requested 2 removals so far: Bit-Trip something and Ion Maiden (Fury) Demo.

Some guys might even like this function to *show their support*: buy the game > remove the game > buy the game again... Yeah...

But this function should have some kind of hard limit like: *no more than 2 games per month and you have 30 calendar days to rethink and get it back again*. One day I was going to terminate my whole Steam and GOG accounts, thank goodness I overcome my rigid thinking eventually. Anyway that would be a nice feature, especially for demo games which take place on your game shelf for absolutely no good reason.
That would be a lot of sense, i'm sure in my ragequit days i would have requested game removals ( such as all my total war games ) i would be sincerily missing later on in my life
Post edited May 03, 2020 by Radiance1979