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500 games on ready to download and play.

[url=" target="_blank]Enter the 500 Games Giveaway here![/url]

Leisure Suit Larry--a great example of the classics that got us here, or you can pre-order Omerta: City of Gangsters--a promising Mafia crime sim that's showcases the quality & variety of the kinds of games that will continue to release (new and old!) in the future.

We owe all of this to you--our gaming audience--and we're extremely grateful. This is as much your achievement as it is ours and that's why we're giving away 500 games to thank you. To enter the giveaway, simply tell us, [url=" target="_blank]after clicking the link[/url], what's the next big step for Should we land on Mars? Create a small DRM-free country on some lonely Pacific island? Create an evil A.I. that will threaten mankind with endless tests? Just type a few words for a chance to win one of 500 games. You can get some extra entries by sharing, tweeting, and following us on social media. You're not joining any mailing lists or signing up for anything. We just need your e-mail to send the game. The giveaway ends next Thursday at 10:59 AM GMT. Join it here: [url=" target="_blank] 500 Giveaway[/url]

Thanks again, and see you at a thousand games!
Hey Everyone!

Thank you for all the entries. We're processing them right now and we'll be contacting the winners by e-mail early next week. Anyway, I hope you liked the giveaway and if you have any suggestions or cool ideas let us know in the comments.

One last suggestion, have the GOG programmers team write a x86 to ARM DRC (Dynamic Recompilation Engine). That would allow dosbox on iOS/Android to run DOS games on recent smartphones (expanding the market GOG can sell games to). Heck, it might even allow to run some windows games on some multi-core CPU equiped Android tablets using WINE.

This way you could release the original Bard's Tale trilogy for smartphones and there would next to none games that can compete with it :D
Post edited January 24, 2013 by mangamuscle
mangamuscle: One last suggestion, have the GOG programmers team write a x86 to ARM DRC (Dynamic Recompilation Engine). That would allow dosbox on iOS/Android to run DOS games on recent smartphones (expanding the market GOG can sell games to). Heck, it might even allow to run some windows games on some multi-core CPU equiped Android tablets using WINE.

This way you could release the original Bard's Tale trilogy for smartphones and there would next to none games that can compete with it :D
I've had success running my gogs in DOSBox Turbo for Android. It's pay-ware but well worth it. Runs the 2d stuff great on my Tab2 7.0. Seems to struggle with 3d though. Maybe better hardware would make it playable.
I Have A Suggestion.
It Is A Little Weird, But Not Too Out Of This World.
GOG.Com Should Go InTo The Business Of "Streaming Movies"... You Know... To Compete Against NetFlix And Their Manditory "Credit Card Registration" BullShit Policy.

I Have Been Looking For Another Movie-Service Choice, And There Are Not That Many Out There.
Post edited January 24, 2013 by ISHAOLM
mangamuscle: One last suggestion, have the GOG programmers team write a x86 to ARM DRC (Dynamic Recompilation Engine). That would allow dosbox on iOS/Android to run DOS games on recent smartphones (expanding the market GOG can sell games to). Heck, it might even allow to run some windows games on some multi-core CPU equiped Android tablets using WINE.

This way you could release the original Bard's Tale trilogy for smartphones and there would next to none games that can compete with it :D
The original Bard's Tale trilogy is already on Android and comes with the purchase of the new Bard's Tale.
Also, there are already several ports of DOSBOX on Android.
mangamuscle: One last suggestion, have the GOG programmers team write a x86 to ARM DRC (Dynamic Recompilation Engine). That would allow dosbox on iOS/Android to run DOS games on recent smartphones (expanding the market GOG can sell games to). Heck, it might even allow to run some windows games on some multi-core CPU equiped Android tablets using WINE.

This way you could release the original Bard's Tale trilogy for smartphones and there would next to none games that can compete with it :D
an0maly33: I've had success running my gogs in DOSBox Turbo for Android. It's pay-ware but well worth it. Runs the 2d stuff great on my Tab2 7.0. Seems to struggle with 3d though. Maybe better hardware would make it playable.
Maybe we should beg Zeus Software to make an Android/iOS version of his glide wrapper, which atm translates Glide2/3 calls (from DOSbox games) to DirectX. As for translating calls from DirectX/OpenGL to OpenGL ES, WINE should be able to handle that.

Anyway, the point is that an x86 to ARM DRC would allow a wider range of smarphones to play DOS games at full speed and would drain less battery in the faster smartphones.
Post edited January 24, 2013 by mangamuscle
If i manage win something, then just send me a copy of Leisure Suit Larry Collection and i'll be happy :)
I wonder if they are going to do what they did for the video contest (give all of the people that did not win a 5.99 game instead of $10)
I'd love to see versions available on my IPad and an iPad section on GOG!

Thanks hope I win!
What i would like is some linux love .
Special i would love a one buy play on 3 OS (Win/Mac/Lin) so we could all enjoy gaming as we want.
DRM free is what brings us together we can take it one step further!
Freedom enjoy playing how you want.

The more platforms the better :)
Post edited January 26, 2013 by gamer247
OOohhh the waiting :)
I'd like to also see Jade Empire on this site =)
Have the winners been decided yet?
IanPaulFreeley: Have the winners been decided yet?
Not yet. The blue mods will add another post to confirm when people have been chosen as winners.
When will that happen?

If I win I know what I'm getting.
Post edited January 29, 2013 by bingo44