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500 games on ready to download and play.

[url=" target="_blank]Enter the 500 Games Giveaway here![/url]

Leisure Suit Larry--a great example of the classics that got us here, or you can pre-order Omerta: City of Gangsters--a promising Mafia crime sim that's showcases the quality & variety of the kinds of games that will continue to release (new and old!) in the future.

We owe all of this to you--our gaming audience--and we're extremely grateful. This is as much your achievement as it is ours and that's why we're giving away 500 games to thank you. To enter the giveaway, simply tell us, [url=" target="_blank]after clicking the link[/url], what's the next big step for Should we land on Mars? Create a small DRM-free country on some lonely Pacific island? Create an evil A.I. that will threaten mankind with endless tests? Just type a few words for a chance to win one of 500 games. You can get some extra entries by sharing, tweeting, and following us on social media. You're not joining any mailing lists or signing up for anything. We just need your e-mail to send the game. The giveaway ends next Thursday at 10:59 AM GMT. Join it here: [url=" target="_blank] 500 Giveaway[/url]

Thanks again, and see you at a thousand games!
Congrats Bring us more games!
gameon: It's a prize draw. Just like a lottery, a chance to win.
siriusluke: Ah thanks, it's a raffle, should have pay more attention.
No worries. But there are some free games available on the GOG catalogue if you hadn't noticed.
Congratulations GOG

*stands up and applauds*

Thank you for everything.
And onto the next 500!
Entered, even in my slightly hungover state I think I managed to make a sentence without dropping the F bomb (for once)
I wanted to give several ideas: I clicked Enter for the next one, and I can't write them any longer...
Gratz! Keep up the great work....and you didn't even have to show your boobs!!
I wanted to give several ideas. I clicked Enter after the 1st one, and now can't give more ideas..
Congrats & kudos for this new achievement, boys & girls in blue! ;)
Thank you so much for doing this and giving back even more to all of us... I find it entertaining that video game companies insist that more DRM is the way to go and yet you guys are here and flourishing with DRM games and you also sell them at great costs with bonus content and I know that I for one love the effort you go to for us.
Too funny. This is the first time I've used my Twitter account since the last time Gog had a free giveaway (I think it was the Christmas before this one).
Well, anyway, I've twittered, tweeted, face-booked, and suggested, and I plan to do so everyday of the contest - so if I do happen to win (got the old fingers crossed), do I get to choose any game I want? I didn't see a list of what games are available to choose from. Are the limited to 9.99 (and under) games?

Oh, and as for my suggestion (I don't think we are supposed to keep them a secret or anything), I suggested that GOG start trying to pick up PC ported games from older systems like the Commodore 64, Atari 2600, Colecovision, Intellivision,etc...
Post edited January 17, 2013 by joshdad
To anyone concerned about 'signing up' or 'giving info to' another service, the only info they ask for is email address and name. As far as I can tell the name can be fake if you want to. And as GOG explained, the email is needed to email codes. I'm not particularly concerned about this one.
Congrats, GoG! May the games be plentiful, and let's hope to see more indie games in these parts. That was my suggestion. :)
What's wrong with Rafflecopter? I clicked the link, filled all options and got 8/8 entries. Then I saw "Log In" option just above and entered my name and e-mail address (no passwords?) and my 8 entries were gone, so I reentered everything (my name appeared just above the raflle). Then I saw "Log In" option at the top of the page, but it required password. So I entered the main page of the Rafflecopter and registered there. Went back to GOG raffle. Now my name appears at the top of the page but not above the raffle and now I can't login using the option just above the raffle (it does not show my name any more).
I have no idea if my entries are valid or not, or maybe I doubled my entries (which could be considered cheating) or what.
Why does GOG not host such event on it's own? I am registered in GOG, had to use my registration in Facebook and Twitter and now also had to (or not?) register in Rafflecopter and still have no idea if I entered the event or not.

Edit: For some reason using Rafflecopter logged me off the Facebook. Twice.
Post edited January 17, 2013 by Hilari0n