ajrs84: I'm the creator/programmer and have been working full-time for the last year building Antharion from scratch while living off of a modest savings - at this point I'm 100% personally invested in the project and 15k will absolutely ensure that any future potential overhead is covered.
Mentalepsy: I can appreciate that, but what would really boost my confidence in your project is a formal update on your Kickstarter page roughly itemizing your anticipated expenses (and as I mentioned before, what will happen if you do go over budget). You must know
how you came up with $15,000 - making that information public will help demonstrate that you've done the math on what needs to happen for the project to reach release. Otherwise, $15k just feels like a magic number.
Your game pitch is solid, you just have to show how you plan to reach the finish line.
Sorry, I know this thread is a bit old, but is Antharion coming to GOG? There hasn't been any news unless you're a backer.