Posted November 02, 2009
anjohl: I rarely give a rats ass about storylines in games, I actually prefer games that allow you to skip cutscenes. If I wanted to watch a movie, I would rent a movie.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: If you dismiss the story of all games, then I'm forced to consider you unable to objectively say which game was the game of the year. That's a very odd conclusion, since most of the top games of all time have no discernable storyline. Now don't get me wrong, SOMETIMES I play a game SPECIFICLY for the story, but only usually when the SETTING is as deep, a good example would be Mass Effect, which had the setting + story = epic calculations done perfectly. But something like Fallout is ALL about freedom and setting for me. Just like in Morrowind, I want a world to interact with and define my OWN adventure, and that's what games like that are really about. The main storyline is just there as an OPTION. I once played a Morrowind file for over 100 hours without doing a single storyline mission.