Posted February 07, 2013
yeah i noticed that - mega tight!
i saw this which does say it includes stuff but didn't know if i should risk it;sa=view;down=41
using Miaghstir suggestion - so thanks!
anyone know if i will have trouble installing and activating my The first Decade box set on my laptop and pc? or my c&c Kanes wrath / tiberium wars kane editions on both?
id rather leave them on my desktop but now im in the RA / C&C flow!
i saw this which does say it includes stuff but didn't know if i should risk it;sa=view;down=41
using Miaghstir suggestion - so thanks!
anyone know if i will have trouble installing and activating my The first Decade box set on my laptop and pc? or my c&c Kanes wrath / tiberium wars kane editions on both?
id rather leave them on my desktop but now im in the RA / C&C flow!