Salsa_Shark: But Saddam's gone. Why stay when innocents are getting killed in the crossfire between freedom fighters and American troops?
akwater: And Russia left Afganistan back in the 80s then we followed suit........ then this nice little group called the Taliban took charge of the chaos we left behind. From hundreds of millions of Aid to Afganistan to less then 5 mill as soon as Russia GTFO. These guys in Afgan took out the Soviet Army.....yes both sides took heavy casualities however it is a huge moral boost to say WE DEFEATED A SUPERPOWER!
After the events in Somilia which we lost a black hawk (im sure people saw the movie) we left, Now.... Pirates, famine, terrorism, genocide,
If we left today,
Turkey would attack the Kurds claiming the northern region,
(Turkey already brought tanks across the border killing 300 Kurds while we WERE here what makes anyone belive they wouldn't do it again after we leave?)
Iran would wheel and deal to get friendly,
(Iran had 27 people on the ballot in the last Iraqi election....... there were death threats given to Iraqi personal, and a few even were killed...)
Syria would take sections of Iraq as well,
(Syria is already talking with the new leaders of Iraq basicly making playing lets make a deal after us troops leave we wont attack you if you ..............................................laundry list of demands......)
Generally speaking you cant go into another country without long term problems,
Also.... I do not classify someone who uses a NEW BORN BABY as a freedom fighter. I mean, really? Freeedom fighter? A freedom fighter to me is a person who is fighting for their freedom, not someone willing to use kids to harm their supposed enemy.
Half of the insurgants, are NOT EVEN from Iraq. They are from places we already left, IE Somilia, Chad, Iran, Syria, Lebanon,
I could go on about leaders of the world we allowed to stay in power, sure we should have acted against Saddam back when he used chemical weapons against his people.
Sure we should have gone after Hitler sooner,
Sure we should have gone after a great deal of leaders sooner, however the fact is and will remain we tend to not act untill something really bad happens al la Pearl Harbor, 9/11,
Iraqs leader has not asked us to leave this very second they set a deadline, we are following that deadline....
Oh and those freedom fighters also kill civvies. So we are not alone in that sense, "A 2005 Human Rights Watch report analyzes the insurgency in Iraq and highlights "the groups that are most responsible for the abuse, namely al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunna and the Islamic Army in Iraq, which have all targeted civilians for abductions and executions. The first two groups have repeatedly boasted about massive car bombs and suicide bombs in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas"
Did the Taliban back down after the Soviet threat had been dealt with? Nope they continued to push their agenda, women were no longer able to attend school, have jobs.
It is not a pretty scenario, we leave they win, they get stronger, and attack us on our own ground. We withdrawl, again they win, take over, and do their own thing. How many pirates did Somilia have when US forces were there? Now how many do they have?
Sure no one says the army is the brightest bunch of people, which is why we have a chain of command. Which is also why, im guessing your school mates are prolly not flying helo's... I mean... they might... but... I doubt it.. (based on your comment)
There are some smart people in the military.....not a lot mind you, but, it is an all volunteer military, so we work with what we have.
Wow i was grossly misinformed about the situation.