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Slightly unreleated; I wish he would have started a Roller Coaster Tycoon project. I never played Elite, but I heard it was a great game in it's day.
tomimt: I do find it a bit worrysome that they've managed to get almost 300k with nothing to show for it. Elite is absolutely the worst pitch I've seen from the big names in Kickstarter. Sure, the drive is 60 day long, so they got a lot of time to add more content, but shouldn't at least some concrete stuff be shown beforehand?

I understand that the whole "New elite game omg" is a big deal but getting that much money without showing ANYTHING or giving out almost any info regarding the new game is well....madness
It appears like madness, but Elite fans know what the game will look and play like, plus I think the descriptions given are ok. I don't need pointless PR videos or eyecandy, dont care about the graphics.
But, Braben already said that these things will be added to the site for you guys. I think he's just releasing it later to grab more news attention. In the BBC interview you can see that presentable stuff already exists.

The name "Dangerous" may sound weird, but Elite fans know its a reference to the status ingame, as are the headlines in the description, mostly harmless,competent...
jamotide: The name "Dangerous" may sound weird, but Elite fans know its a reference to the status ingame, as are the headlines in the description, mostly harmless,competent...
Well, "Elite" is also an status ingame.
lowyhong: My friend, I must insist you play Kingdom of Loathing.
Done! Thanks.
oldschool: Slightly unreleated; I wish he would have started a Roller Coaster Tycoon project. I never played Elite, but I heard it was a great game in it's day.
David Braben =/= Chris Sawyer...
jamyskis: My point exactly :) The reason the Americans never really saw much of Elite is because they never experienced the craze surrounding the BBC Micro version, or the Spectrum version, or the C64 version really for that matter. That's why it's hardly known there.

For that matter we didn't have BBC Micros over here either, but we did have the early C64 version.
Ah, I must have completely misunderstood the point you were trying to make then, sorry. :P
Post edited November 07, 2012 by SirPrimalform
Well I've made my pledge, but pledging for any game on Kickstarter is a risk. Sure Braben's proposition may be riskier (because he was lazy and didn't place a good enough sales pitch) - but you've got the other extreme (*cough* Peter Molyneux *cough*) who overpromises and underdelivers. A bit like election promises really :).

I think Braben should at least be given a chance to resurrect the Elite franchise - and there's not really enough space trading sims in the market anyway (unless you're going to play one of the X series or Eve Online...). It shows there is still a demand for this kind of game/genre.

But yeah it's not for everyone - and I can perfectly understand that the more cynical amongst us wants to see a bit more of the plans behind the game!
Chris Roberts has now officially become an Elite Dangerous backer.
Also, for those out there unfamiliar with the Elite series, try googling Oolite, Pioneer Space Sim and FFE3D. All of these are modern free re-makes of the original games and each will give you an idea of the gameplay Braben is aiming at, especially Oolite.
Red_Avatar: Like I've said before, talent stagnates as people get older - when they created the first Elite, they were teenagers brimming with creativity but as we grow older, our creativity dwindles and we more and more rely on existing ideas to craft our own.
Here's an interesting post on creativity and when it peaks.
Shameless bump, as I really really really want this game. Never played Elite, but both Frontier and First Encounters on amiga, and later the JF:FFE reverese engineered and bugfixed version for windoze ;)
Red_Avatar: Like I've said before, talent stagnates as people get older - when they created the first Elite, they were teenagers brimming with creativity but as we grow older, our creativity dwindles and we more and more rely on existing ideas to craft our own.
ET3D: Here's an interesting post on creativity and when it peaks.
I've seen quite a few papers (research papers) on it being a graphic designer and a recurring theme is how writing and style tends to improve with time - but that's not as much creativity as it is inspiration. If you, however, look at original creative works, it's done by younger writers while older writers tend to come up with very polished and deep works but I think people confuse the meaning of creativity if they link the quality of the work with the originality and creativity.

I firmly believe that the older we get, the more our brain settles in existing ideas and how harder it is to break free from the mold. The problem is, that we lack experience and for such things such as writing, experience has a far greater impact than, say, when creating a game 30 years ago. Modern gaming requires a lot of skill and experience PLUS originality so you really need someone in their 30s or maybe early 40s who's been in the industry for at least a dozen years and is quite talented.
Red_Avatar: I've seen quite a few papers (research papers) on it being a graphic designer and a recurring theme is how writing and style tends to improve with time - but that's not as much creativity as it is inspiration. If you, however, look at original creative works, it's done by younger writers while older writers tend to come up with very polished and deep works but I think people confuse the meaning of creativity if they link the quality of the work with the originality and creativity.

I firmly believe that the older we get, the more our brain settles in existing ideas and how harder it is to break free from the mold. The problem is, that we lack experience and for such things such as writing, experience has a far greater impact than, say, when creating a game 30 years ago. Modern gaming requires a lot of skill and experience PLUS originality so you really need someone in their 30s or maybe early 40s who's been in the industry for at least a dozen years and is quite talented.
It may be true, but I think that most games don't break the mold, and in particular the selling point of most big Kickstarter projects is that they're in the same mold as the old games. An older, more experienced creators should be able to create a well crafted game that would take the older mold to a new level.

And frankly, most young game creators never break the mold either. When they do, they rarely get funded, because most people want familiar gameplay. "This is like a game from 20 years ago" is a major selling point of many games.
It would be interesting to see how many of the less impressed posters above actually were there to experience Elite or Frontier at the time they were released. If all goes smoothly and Braben can pull off anything close to what those games achieved back!
MonstaMunch: If industry professionals with decades of experience can't convince banks or venture capitalists to lend them money for their new game, it's a very strong sign that people who evaluate business plans for a living don't think this will work. If they won't take the risk, even for a potential payoff, I'm sure as hell not taking the risk for no payoff at all.
Do I misunderstand, or does this mean you have no interest for projects such as Wasteland 2 or Double Fine Adventure either? Both are crowd-funded. It might be worth trying not to actually evaluate the potential enjoyment you might get out of a game according to what investors say :)
Hi Guys/Gals for those of you that are interested Frontier Developments has released a new Elite Dangerous Video: