Toke: How exactly does your bandwidth cap stuff work down there in the land of Yahoo Serious?
How come your steam downloads dont count towards your cap? It would seem to me that if data received through a "content provider" doesn't go towards your cap than it wouldn't be too difficult to set up some kind of proxy server to get all your d/l's through no?
Could just be talking outta me arse here, my computer expertise lies solely in getting dos games work. Boot disks. Yeh baby.
Basically we pay a far too large monthly fee and get allocated a set amount of bandwidth, for the most part all downloads deplete it as you would expect but some ISPs, notably internode, have deals with certain content providers (ABC TV, steam & xbox live are the 3 popular ones) where any bandwidth used isn't counted towards the user's cap.
Those 3 features are about the only reason I can complain about my ISP, they don't support them yet