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HomerSimpson: By that I mean the cabinet version. If so, what game? Has it been worth the investment? And have you had any problems (maintenance, etc)?

I got to thinking about it while checking out this link on wikipedia. Take a look at the "List of Popular Arcade Games" section. I'm sure those of you over, say, 40 years old will get pleasant nostalgia from the list.

I'm sure there is some component of nostalgia contributing to this, but I really think it would be cool to have a Time Pilot or Pole Position machine. My older son is just getting to age where I think he would get a kick out of it, too.
I know that the Youtuber/TGWTG reviewer 'Guru Larry' does in fact own two arcade cabinet machines for the (I believe) EU version of Fist of the North Star called, 'Fighting Mania'

He made a video of it, I'll linky:

Its rather funny :3

As for me, I don't own any sadly :(
Oh what I would not give for that The Lost World: Jurassic Park Rail Shooter:

Others include all first three Mortal Kombat machines, Street Fighters, ande Gauntlet Legends.
I've wanted to build a MAME cabinet for a long time now but I still don't have the funds for it. I would love to own a pinball machine or two as well.


I would even build a full-sized one and a table-top version, hell, I'd even build a cocktail machine if I had the money for all three.
Guy down the road from me has a cabinet. Here is a pic of me giving it a go.
arcade.jpg (170 Kb)
SpooferJahk: I wish, but if I did manage to get one I would love to either have Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, the Capcom Dungeons and Dragons game, Darius Gaiden, or any Metal Slug cabinet.
I don't own any, but I'd also love to have the Capcom Dungeons & Dragons games, along with the X-Men and Simpsons game.

I just noticed HD ports of D&D: Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara are coming out this month on a bunch of platforms.
SpooferJahk: I wish, but if I did manage to get one I would love to either have Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, the Capcom Dungeons and Dragons game, Darius Gaiden, or any Metal Slug cabinet.
MikeMaximus: I don't own any, but I'd also love to have the Capcom Dungeons & Dragons games, along with the X-Men and Simpsons game.

I just noticed HD ports of D&D: Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara are coming out this month on a bunch of platforms.
I forgot those two, I should also include Die Hard Arcade which is probably one of my favorite beat-em-up games ever.
I wouldn't recommend that. Buying an arcade is expensive endevaour, and if you're buying and old arcade even more expensive. And if the motherboard dies, you won't find anyone who would repair it, there won't be spare parts avaible.
SpooferJahk: I forgot those two, I should also include Die Hard Arcade which is probably one of my favorite beat-em-up games ever.
Oh wow I forgot about that one. Die Hard ate a lot of my quarters too. Golden Axe & Double Dragon & Renegade would also be awesome to have. If I win the lottery one day i'll just have to make my own beat em up arcade room.
I had a Golden Axe I got for free (in an old Donkey Kong Cabinet.) My brother used to work at a Namco repair facility. I really want to build a Mame Cabinet, however I am still designing the controls to allow for easy swap in and out so that it can play many / any type of game I throw at it.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by samlii
Have been looking at something like this

I cant think of many better value ones for a game room that mixes classic and can be used with modern consoles