rawkryptonite: Go to the Eve site and get the free 14 day trial. There's really no reason to go through Steam. Play for 2 weeks, if you like it then you subscribe on the website.
https://secure.eve-online.com/ft/FreeTrialSignup.aspx?aid=103543 Just as a clarification for everyone who might be in the same boat as me and might be thinking about giving this thing a whirl...
I did some poking around on the Steam forums regarding the game, and here's the skinny:
The client software -is- free.
There -is- an activation fee for when you create a new paid account or convert your trial account into a paid account.
The monthly subscription fee is $15/month.
What Steam is doing with its sale is charging $5 and giving you a 21 day trial -and- a month's worth of play time. The activation fee is waived (or folded into the discounted price of $5.00, however you want to look at it.)
So, if what I read on the Steam forums is correct, and I'm also understanding it correctly, if you get the game via Steam, you're getting your first 51 days of play time for five bucks. So if you're interested in giving the game a whirl and are certain enough that you'd be willing to spend the five bucks, you could go with that. Or, you could just go with the free trial and not spend anything. Guess those are the two options for people who are thinking about trying the game out.