morciu: Jesus Christ what a pile of shit. I can't believe Licurg brought Vlad Tepes in this, so typical for Romanians. We were taught in school this weird idea that he was a hero and I distinctly remember my teacher telling young kids that it's a shame people like him aren't around anymore because then we wouldn't have so many criminals. There are these legends that this guy was some sort of medieval batman defending wronged and keeping the land crime free when he was actually just a guy who enjoyed shoving stakes up Turk asses.
This comes from some fucked up nationalistic idea that used to flood our literature and history manuals. I haven't heard this kind of crazy talk in a long time, I thought we were passed that point.
Vlad Tepes was a sick fuck, certainly sicker than this Ramirez muchacho and the only thing to his credit is that he kicked some major turk ass with impressive medieval commando fighting.
Also how screwed up in the head do you have to be to talk this eye for an eye shit. I admit feeling a sort of relief while reading about some asshole getting killed but seriously this is 2013, keep that shit in the old testament.
Vlad was definitely a blood thirsty sociopath. They said he enjoyed watching people get impaled while eating and drinking. But I understand why some people admire him. He did save Wallachia from the Turks, something that was no easy feat. He was like the King Leonidas of Wallachia but instead of dying in an epic battle, Vlad and his army scared the shit out of the Turks until they decided, Wallachia is hell and never came back.