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Congratz on your first paycheck, more will come. It´s satisfying getting money rewarded for a job done.
Your "offer" is too good to resist (I´m feeling a bit guilty for entering too many giveaways lately...). I´m in for Zeus, Call to Power 2 and Caesar 3. You´re a such gentleman and your generosity is much appreciated, thank you!

I´ll talk about Kickstarter (in general): I used to back some projects. Most failed and just two big ones (Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun) are going to get launched. My "faith" in Kickstarter come to ruin when a project called Civitas ( got canceled for reasons not complety clarified, which was caused by the dev simply saying he found a game publisher as backer and letting all the ones that was helping him at foruns with some angry, since the start the project was a bit foggy and the backers, as me, being fans of sim builders, had put too much hope in it due the simcity launch. Then came the project of a child raising funds to make her rpg to show her brothers that she could make one (forgot the link). Got a lot of repercussion around Kickstarter and I questioned the honesty and principles of KS. Then I questioned myself: Am I looking for pre-orders or else? Then I decided to take a break until I got the projects that I already backed.
já si za první penízky pořídil mobil a ty je chceš darovat ? tak já bych měl přání, kup Fallouta 2 a daruj si ho! stojí za to
grecza: já si za první penízky pořídil mobil a ty je chceš darovat ? tak já bych měl přání, kup Fallouta 2 a daruj si ho! stojí za to
Děkuju moc za nabídku, ale bohužel Fallout 2 už mám :) . Jseš si jistej, že nic nechceš?

Can I enter for Wizardry 8 and Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption? Yay! +1

Re: Knife Gun. Isn't there another word for this weapon; a bayonet? I don't think it needs funding because it's already featured in countless wars.

Wiz 6/7 - me
Betrayal at Krondor - Licurg, Rodzaju. Seriously folks skip return to krondor

Kickstarter. I'm still a Hallford supporter, so I would've kickstarted his Krondor spiritual successor novel. It failed but somehow he still managed to get the money elsewhere. I'd probably support Henkel in a new kickstarter for a Realms of Arkania spiritual successor if he gets his act together. I would also chip some money into the Jagged Alliance Flashback kickstarter so they can reach the modding tools stretch goal, which is what the Bear's Pit modders really wanted, except it didn't do as well as they thought so there won't be easy modding at least yet. If Brathwaite and the Curries can come up with a proper Wiz 8 spiritual successor pitch, not like the travesty of "shaker", I might consider supporting that.

Thank you and +1. Entering for Wizardry 8 for me and Betrayal at Krondor for Rodzaju.

Congrats and may you receive many more paychecks each higher than the last!
I'll throw my glowing blue nimbus in the ring.
OH ALMIGHTY GLOTTIS/DETLIK!! I enjoy giveaways and the generousity people in this forum, and the way people give so freely, with little to no incentive for it themselves. It's been a great time here :)

I have three steam cards, but haven't used them yet, so I don't know what I think on them yet.

Many blessings to all of you :)

If I win, I would like:

Betrayal at Krondor Pack
Kings Quest 4-5-6
Kings quest 7-8
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Braussie
OH ALMIGHTY GLOTTIS/DETLIK! 'Grats on the Job, may it be the first of Many.

As I don't need anything, I'm in for Ian.

And if I had unlimited funds, Psychonauts 2 here I come (or Grim Fandango 2 but that requires Disney, which not even unlimited money may be able to budge.)

count me in for:
Wizardry 8
Phantasmagoria 2

1.Steam cards, brilliant move
- what pointless drivel that people actually get motivated about and ascribe a $ value to, simply amazing.

2. Knife gun
- this has existed for years. the bayonet. no need for funding.
additionally in that configuration you cant keep stabbing without pulling the trigger with the curved handle. your hand would start sliding, if it were a more 90 degree hilt/handle it would be a better design.

3. If you were to donate limitless amount to any kickstarter/indiegogo/whatever project
- id funnel the funding into a shell corp and buy up the rights to tons of games and IPs, to increase funding, and then also undercut big pharma so everyone could have access to medications without getting ripped off (worldwide), + start something like the CHON food factories in the Gateway novels.

4. Just talk about whatever the heck you want
- congrats on the first paycheck!

Congratulations on the first paycheck. I guess you'll have to get used to that, since the whole life (almost) is a race between last and next paychecks. :))

Also thank you very much for your generosity!

I am in for
Gorky 17
Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold

1. I'm not too familiar with what Steam cards is all about, so I guess I couldn't give a fair answer.
2. I blame it on Chuck Norris!
3. It's a tough call, so I'll pick randomly: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
4. Why the hell did they have to archive World of Gothic, when World of Risen has far less activity?

That's it. :)
grecza: já si za první penízky pořídil mobil a ty je chceš darovat ? tak já bych měl přání, kup Fallouta 2 a daruj si ho! stojí za to
Detlik: Děkuju moc za nabídku, ale bohužel Fallout 2 už mám :) . Jseš si jistej, že nic nechceš?
Ó všemocný Detliku, jestli chceš, můžeš mě obdarovat Arx Fatalis a Blade of Darkness... leží mi to ve wishlistu už celou věčnost
co to vůbec bylo za tu práci ? moje první peníze jsem si vydělal v roce 2007 na archeologických vykopávkách... měsíc jsem dělal do země díry jak krtek za 50kč na hodinu a ještě měl na obou rukou puchýře od spálení ze slunce :)
Post edited June 02, 2013 by grecza
OH ALMIGHTY GLOTTIS/DETLIK, Demon of the death world and master of the mechanics

Please count me in for Phantasmagoria and Zeus + Poseidon (Acropolis)

3. If I had unlimited funds for a game project I would spent them all on Gabriel Knight 4.

Congratulations on the first paycheck and thanks for the giveaway and the free cookies.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by klaattu

So, here's the games and people I'm in for:
1) Space Quest 1+2+3 for moi
2) Zeus + Poseidon for TinyE
3) Betrayal at Krondor Pack for Licurg

Thanks for the giveaway :)

P.S.: I would have poured an unlimited amount of money in both Torment: Tides of Numenera and Divinity: Original Sin!
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Reever

I despise the move to make playing games a series of chores to be completed rather than something you play for fun, and steam trading cards is the latest version of this.

I am in for Zeus + Poseidon and Eador: Genesis.