jefequeso: Yeah, the photograph scene was actually what I was thinking about. It works marvelously well for several reasons, in my opinion. First, because it gets you in a moment where you would expect to feel safe (a quasi-scripted investigation). Second, because after the initial scare, you're still seeing something incredibly disturbing. Condemned is such a brutal game. I love it.
But yes... having a horror movie or game based entirely around jump scares can get a little stale. You still need a good ambiance and creep factor.
Fenixp: See, that's exactly the reason why I got scared ... Well, kind of spooked in FEAR and not in condemned - even with all the plotholes in FEAR, it kind of made sence. Condemned's story was just a bloody mess - I didn't believe anything that happened there, given the setting, it was even more over the edge than FEAR. My point? At least in my case, to build a frightening atmosphere, you first need to build up at least a bit beleivable framework to work with. I kind of believed the whole paranormal thing in FEAR, I 'got' it. But a cop clearing up his name by murdering hobos? Nah... Nah, doesn't work. Really, I'll never understand why it got so much praise.
I completely disagree. Yes, the whole "the police force believes what they want to believe, so you have to go on the run" thing was a bit sketchy, but otherwise I felt that the progression from "relatively firmly planted in reality" to "completely and utterly insane" was masterfully done, and it helped drive the hunt for Serial Killer X along. I don't see what about it was any more looney than the plot of FEAR (seriously... just try summarizing it to yourself), and the fact that the combat actually aided in the overall atmosphere of brutality made the scares actually work in the game's favor rather than destroying the momentum as they did in FEAR.
But what scares you is a pretty subjective thing.