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amok: these are the resons why it should be purged. It is horrible... The story is weak, the quests are weak and illogical, the game is bugged, the areas are small with long loading times, the graphics are horrible. "You can piss on people" do not make it a good game, quite the opposite.
It amuses me you'd call "Buy milk" a quest. Your life must be very exciting :P Also, I don't know if you played the GOG version or not, but the loading problem was solved with "Share the Pain", and now no loading zone is longer than 30 seconds, most are under 10 seconds. I don't think the graphics look that bad, and the fact that you can piss on people is just awesome because, once again, you can't do it in any other game.

Games are supposed to be about stuff you can't do in real life, remember ? The fact that you can do many things that are "undoable"(I know that's not really a word) is what I expect from a game...
Licurg: Games are supposed to be about stuff you can't do in real life, remember ? The fact that you can do many things that are "undoable"(I know that's not really a word) is what I expect from a game...
games are never about "what you can do in real life", but I can never - ever, imagine any fantasy or real situation where pissing on someone a good thing. It is just horrible and pointless, but if you like it then good for you.

Edit - I could live with it in a game if just the rest of the game was good, but this one is not.
Post edited November 18, 2012 by amok
The whole Geneforge Series, what a fucking waste of my money. They ought to string the developer up by his nuts for getting away with that shit.
None at the moment
amok: but I can never - ever, imagine any fantasy or real situation where pissing on someone a good thing.
Golden Shower freaks would like to have a word with you...
amok: but I can never - ever, imagine any fantasy or real situation where pissing on someone a good thing.
OldFatGuy: Golden Shower freaks would like to have a word with you...
They are probably all lovely people, but I would prefer to not have a word with them... Licurg seems keen though.
Pinball Gold Pack:

Not that the games themselves are bad, but GOG's bundle is atrociously badly put together. Pinball Dreams ia alright, but Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Mania are somewhat sloppily bundled together, Dreams and Fantasies are only the standard versions, not the later released deluxes versions, and Illusions is missing half its music.

I already have the Dreams and Fantasies PSP minis and True Pinball for the PS1 (which is basically Pinball Illusions with an added 3D perspective), and I've stuck to them since.
Only one so far: Enclave.

Brain dead AI and terrible combat with some seriously screwy collision detection.
orcishgamer: Hmm, MoO3, I only got it because it was in a bundle, but I feel like I promoted it somehow.
That, I bought it because it was 1$ more to get it with a bundle, but in retrospect, I realized that I'd always have something more worthwhile to play and would probably never go back to that game.

Beyond that:

Earthworm Jim 1 + 2: I just don't like the controls
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold & Blake Stone: Planet Strike: Got them thinking I'd pick up right where I left off with the shareware version way back when and then, I realized how much shooters have evolved since I played that.
Incoming + Incoming Forces: I really thought I'd like it, but I found it to be empty action.
Personal Nightmare: This game just felt dated. Thought I could handle it and get engrossed in the storyline, but I couldn't get past it's technical limitations.

However, regret is a strong word to describe how I feel about those games.

I wouldn't buy them in hindsight.

That being said: If I hadn't bought them, I wouldn't have realized that I don't like those games.

I consider them experiments that didn't pan out, but that made me discover something.
Post edited November 18, 2012 by Magnitus
My biggest regret is Robinson' Requiem. What I wouldn't give for a decent realistic wilderness survival simulator. This is like a cartoon jumbled garbage, with a few realistic aspects, but mostly it's just a mess. Usually I am fine with old, retro, crappy graphics...but this game takes it too far. This is the only game I can think of where I take off points for shit graphics.

Battle Isle Platinum and Strategic Command - I thought I was getting war games, not Advance War type games.

Arma: Cold War Assault - the cut scenes are literally nonsense. The combat is nice and I like how you have to travel from place to place and have to be realistic in your approach to combat...but the AI is so shitty it isn't worth it in the first place. More than once I was on a mission and the game just refused to begin the next part of the level, after it had taken me a really long time to get there. That's when I uninstalled.
Postal 1--I cannot get this game to play properly on my PC. Or it's just hideously defective.

Postal 2--Some fellow GOGer has a blog where she(?) talks about this game. She compares it to someone dumping a box of tomatoes on your desk, and telling you to laugh at them. And when you don't, you get told not to take things so seriously, and how are you supposed to respond to that? You're not taking the tomatoes seriously; they just aren't funny. Which perfectly sums up my own relationship with this game.

Beyond Divinity--Ugly, buggy, and irritating.

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone--Crap

Gabriel Knight--This is where everyone starts yelling at me; I don't care, I didn't like this game one bit.

Heroes of Might and Magic--I hate playing games out of order, so the idea was that I'd play this one before I played the better-reviewed HoMM games; but it's basically worse than them in every way, and it's not like the plot is so wonderful that I couldn't have afforded to miss it. I hope I at least got it during a sale.

Sherlock Holmes: Secret of the Silver Earring--boring, pixel hunt

Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption--I guess it's not terrible, but I can't play it without constantly thinking, "I could quit this and play Bloodlines instead; that would be much funner than what I'm doing now."
I wanted to post a couple of games, but I do not need the debate from the fanboys, so I guess I'll pass :-)
septerra core. i loved it as a kid, but the combat is complete crap

fa 18 hornet. totally worthless

die by the sword. i would love it if i could master it.

giants. great game except for level 2, really hard to complete and makes the rest of the game unplayable until you finish it
-Personal Nightmare
-Jagged Alliance Deadly Games
-Ishar Compilation

All of these have the same fault: they're too old. Gameplay has come a long way since Silmarils games (for example), and today it feels like driving a Ford T: too slow, too clunky.
Realms of Arkania and Ishar.

German RPGs are dogshit.