jamyskis: Somewhat interestingly, the average purchase is sitting snugly at $11.61 (despite the extremely low sales).
Which does beg the question - how many of them have paid under the average, mistakenly thinking they were going to get the actual The Banner Saga? A lot, by the looks of it. And Humble's destroyed reputation is never more apparent than on the Reddit for it right at this moment (yes, I know certain individuals are now going to respond to this with strawman arguments about how the reputation aspect is a point of view and that Humble is the best thing since sliced bread, yada yada yada)
WIthout any evidence - not sure. Probably a few, this "bundle" was not the best one.... However, I do not rule out that someone put in $1 just to try the faction thingy either. From what I see from comments - people are in arms about the bundle and not buying, not that many actually complaining after having bought it wrongly.
(and I am not sure you use the term "strawman" correctly there. Good use of the poisoned well, though :))