Aliasalpha: Cheers. The saddest part is that I just did the math and I can't afford to party it up with a book on autobiographical writing, Windows 7 cost me $15 more than I planned and that threw my finances completely out of whack. Sad really
Ralackk: Did you ever get a Job in the end or still searching? Also it can't be that bad if you can afford a shiney new ps3 slim :P
I managed to score 2 quickie assignment marking jobs at uni for network security & network engineering, that helped bring in a good chunk of cash right when I was in desperate need of retail therapy and shiny things to distract me from the epic failure that was August.
Must get on with marking this next round of assignments now that I actually have a bit of free time. Then again I DO have pirates to insult and the chinese army to shoot... Yeah fuggit, think I'll have a night off and play monkey island and ofp2