amok: go ask any non-indie developer also if they are not " in this for the love of making games
MichaelPalin: Who is talking about developers here? I said "industry". The industry of video games consists on many big publishers with a hierarchy in which the developers are at the bottom of the decision chain. Your friend does not want to make Barbie games, your friend is doing Barbie games because someone higher up, who does not care about video games, read a marketing report saying "Barbie games make this: $$". I have no doubt many, probably most developers love the act itself of doing video games, but that is different from having actual power over what they do. And before you say anything, yes, sometimes good games come out of the industry, but that is incidental because it is not the main goal, not the priority.
so why is not indie games industry and industry? Do indie developer not need to live? Or do you suggest they live by handouts (I know you would not give them....)
And no, it is not accidental, but it is because they do want to make good games - it is the main goal as good games also makes lots of monies. The same can be said about indies, they are also making games because the want them to make them lots of monies, as well as doing something they like.
If an indie developer makes a game which do not make any monies, he is on a lesser position then one who does. This means that the indie developer who makes monies is freer to make the games he wants to make, than the one who do not and have to work fulltime on something else. This is also an industry. This is also reflected in the AAA industry, as the developers who makes games that makes monies are freer to make other games who would also more likely to make more monies.
(and my friend wanted to make the Barbie game, he found the challenges by the constraints interesting. )
amok: I think this is when you need to define what an "indie game" really is.
MichaelPalin: That is the thing, indie has typically meant simply "independent of a publisher", but by asking for higher standards over a diffuse term we could make it more useful. After all, if indies have achieved any prestige, it is because they were doing what the industry was not able to do. That idea could be extended (and has been partially extended) to the way in which they sell games too.
That's the point though. By your definition, all games by Valve are indie, as well as those made in-house by EA or UBISoft. All of them also self publish their games. And sell it in own stores, for that matter. You can not get more indie then that.