DustFalcon1985: Trying to decide on which Intel CPU I should get. The i7-3770K or the i5-3570K. Trying to build a new computer w/ a new CPU, new MB and a new Computer case. The rest of the parts (Video card, DVD-Rom, Memory sticks,) I scavenge from other computers. Which of the two Intel CPU I should get?
I think an i7 CPU's parallel processing power is wasted on games. You would not be likely to be able to perceive any appreciable difference in performance versus an i5, also taking into account the slightly faster Ghz speed of the i7 chips versus the i5s.
You would be far better off saving money and going with the i5 and then investing the funds into the best possible GPU you can afford to give this system build some longevity before it needs upgrading again, not to mention an awesome experience gaming.