From the
FAQ, which is stickied at the top of this forum:
Will you be adding *insert game/publisher here* to the GOG library? GOG does not release specific information on prospective games or publishers until they already have agreements in place. They will not comment on who or what they are trying to get, only what they do have. Check the site's main page for news on what is coming soon, it gets updated every Thursday
Why are some highly requested games, such as System Shock 2, not being added to the catalogue? GOG tries to get every game they can, but sometimes it is a difficult process to find the correct rights holder, secure permissions to sell the game, get gold masters of the games, modify as necessary to make the game work on modern OSes, etc. It's not that GOG is intentionally not adding a highly requested game, its that they can't unless or until they can meet all those requirements. That certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't keep requesting and voting for games, though. The more interest we can show, the more "ammunition" GOG has to bring to rights holders to convince them to allow their games to become part of the GOG library.
As a new user, I suggest you read the FAQ before creating any new threads. Other than that, welcome to GOG :-)