WBGhiro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBDs7T78lsQ Oh god, these keep getting better and better, i don't even know where to start on this one.
Yes, it was... Nice
Okay, yeah a few things ended up bugging me about this episode, about Luna of course. First was her sudden, unexplained change of mane (aaaah character design retcons), the second being CAPSLOCK THAT WE SPEAKETH IN YE OLDE ENGLISH, which could be justified but Nightmare Moon was shown speaking perfect english in the pilots (aaaah more retcons). I sure this episode takes place fairly early in whatever anachronistic episode timeline there is going on, or did she seriously just spend the entirety of the first season locked in her room? I also hope those blatantly evil designed chariot and guards were just dressed for the occasion
Otherwise I like the episode I guess. Luna's character seemed good when it wasn't marred by the above speaking problems introduced to serve the episode's plot. Costumed characters were nice and I liked Zecora making another, fairly large appearance. I just really hope we get some more episodes with Luna, hopefully having adjusted and ditched the silly SPEECHETH