GameRager: RatherDashing, stop flinging opinions around like pseudo-facts......MLP isn't that bad, and also you're right that anime is cartoons(some serious some silly etc).
It IS bad.
1. Animated in flash, rather than by hand.
2. Major overuse of tweening. The result of automatic interpolation is an image that has sloppy transitions in movmenent and an image that suffers an elastic "knockback" at the end of a movement.
3. The show is based off a toy license rather than an original concept, and exists as a 30 minute advertisement for colorful plastic molded into pony shapes.
4. The show exists to promote The Hub, an executive driven and run channel made in the most cynical way possible, and run in a fashion that is anti-creator and anti-animation as a medium.
5. The show uses high-pitched voices and completely overdone, inconsequential "problems" that have existed in every kids cartoon since at least the 90s.
This show is bad, is a bad influence on the industry, and on the whole cannot be justified.