Zolgar: ... Why is everyone all uber thrilled about this?
I played it and found it to be at best a mediocre Diablo clone. Made me glad I only paid like $2.50 for it. >.>
does it become super epic later on, and I just somehow missed out because clunky mechanics, no major plot and .. nothing special failed to grip me?
Well to be honest yes there's nothing "epic" about it. But then again, the game doesn't try to be. The story is laughable at best, and the gameplay is typical Diablo clone fodder. But that's not where the game's greatness lies.
It lies in the great freedom of exploration, tongue-in-cheek humor, encounters with quirky NPCs, varied locations, interesting enemy level scaling that allows you to go wherever you want if you can find a way to beat the mightiest enemies, solid loot, original quests... when you add all these parts together that at first don't seem to amount to much, then you get DivDiv.
There's not one thing that it does truly greatly, yet there's nothing really bad about it. Just a solid all-around experience with always lots of new surprises, and lots of stuff to do.
It reminds me a lot of Might & Magic VI and VII in this regards: these games aimed for low-brow entertainment, presented you with a lot of cheesy stuff and didn't take themselves seriously one bit, but they did what they set out to do really really well, in a very polished way, and they always presented you with new stuff to do and a world you could explore at your leisure.