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nijuu: Question
What do people find about this KS which stops them from backing it?. Considering Project Eternity and other similar KS's started from zero , it seems to me this game (as unexciting at the name is) is in a similar position but nowhere near as hyped up . Back at $45 level. Im a fan of the older DS series and Sup Commander games. So wanna see what happens with this.
Oh and confirmed it is definitely a single player focused game (will have coop as well).
I'm interested in the game, but I'm waiting on an actual update which will address how the game plays, narrative design, etc. -- anything that isn't Chris Taylor having a heartfelt discussion with the camera. I want some substance to the pitch.
nijuu: Question
What do people find about this KS which stops them from backing it?. Considering Project Eternity and other similar KS's started from zero , it seems to me this game (as unexciting at the name is) is in a similar position but nowhere near as hyped up . Back at $45 level. Im a fan of the older DS series and Sup Commander games. So wanna see what happens with this.
Oh and confirmed it is definitely a single player focused game (will have coop as well).
The big successes usually have a clear vision and service a genre that needs new games. This doesn't seem to do that. MOBA or Diablo clone, whichever it is neither are rare.
Personally I am skeptical towards the current financial situation of GPG. that 1.1 million goal might help them for a while, but I doubt it would be enough to keep the company afloat so long, that they'd actually manage to push the game out.

At some other site it was mentioned, that GPS actually was hoping this to avalanche in much higher numbers in order to secure the future of the company.
tomimt: At some other site it was mentioned, that GPS actually was hoping this to avalanche in much higher numbers in order to secure the future of the company.
That has to be the case, since they found $200,000 in a few days "disappointing."
tomimt: Personally I am skeptical towards the current financial situation of GPG. that 1.1 million goal might help them for a while, but I doubt it would be enough to keep the company afloat so long, that they'd actually manage to push the game out.

At some other site it was mentioned, that GPS actually was hoping this to avalanche in much higher numbers in order to secure the future of the company.
Thats a bit of a worry if thats the way they are thinking *sigh*. KS is supposed to hopefully make a game for the backers with those numbers they put up as the goal...sheesh
nijuu: Question
What do people find about this KS which stops them from backing it?. Considering Project Eternity and other similar KS's started from zero , it seems to me this game (as unexciting at the name is) is in a similar position but nowhere near as hyped up . Back at $45 level. Im a fan of the older DS series and Sup Commander games. So wanna see what happens with this.
Oh and confirmed it is definitely a single player focused game (will have coop as well).
I like the presentation and I like the idea of fighting with Cavemen, but other than SupCom and FA, I haven't been keen on anything from GPG.
nijuu: Thats a bit of a worry if thats the way they are thinking *sigh*. KS is supposed to hopefully make a game for the backers with those numbers they put up as the goal...sheesh
It's something that needs to be considered with each project really: is the budget enough to realise the project. And with GPS case it looks like they'd need to at least double, most preferably triple, the final tally in order to be able to push out the product they are trying to create.

All the projects that get the bare minumum to pass are in similar trouble, unless they got some other funding at hand like Big Finish Games has for Tex Murphy. Financial stability is important, there's some failed KS projects that got funded but failed because of the unrealisticly small budgets.
"Think of it as a spiritual successor to our classic PC game Dungeon Siege, with a twist..."

Let's get the Dungeon Sieges on here first.
Post edited January 22, 2013 by tfishell
nijuu: Question
What do people find about this KS which stops them from backing it?. Considering Project Eternity and other similar KS's started from zero , it seems to me this game (as unexciting at the name is) is in a similar position but nowhere near as hyped up . Back at $45 level. Im a fan of the older DS series and Sup Commander games. So wanna see what happens with this.
Oh and confirmed it is definitely a single player focused game (will have coop as well).
Depends on the game and how well the project is presented, it also helps if there's something to show people (tech demo for example). With Project Eternity there's a company with games I really love and a promise to follow that path.

With Wildman it looks like a cross between Demigod and DS, both games I found dull and boring and have no interest seeing anything like them again. If it were something like TA2 or SupCom3 I'd back it without thinking.
They said they want big scale battles as supreme commander. Don't see how you came up that it's like Demigod or other moba games. With all the technological advancement from bc times to the future to me it looks like Diablo mixed with Empire Earth.

Chris Taylor on basic game mechanics in update video
And Matt Chat interview about how they decided to do a kickstarter
A $10 beta access tier?.hmmmmmmm

Its trending to fall a bit short......
Post edited January 28, 2013 by nijuu
Well, they've passed 30%, and kickstarter projects that passed 30% have 90% success rate. So it's not THAT hopeless.
The guy certainly seems passionate and some of the ideas sound pretty interesting and novel. Also, the update videos are pretty entertaining and the modding platform they plan to release looks really good. Overall, it has a stronger pitch than many other projects that I've seen. It's really a shame that it's dead in the water.
I'm very interested if Wildman has SupCom's scale, but nothing in the videos tells me about what scale they're going for.
Yup/Looks like its going down :/