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QC: 50 Shades of Abra Kadaverous 1958 Legend of Rockville Columbia Pictures Quaker Oats Pepper.

In short: You're arguing something that didn't need debating in the first place. People have different opinions. I have mine. You have yours. Others have theirs. To act like a spoiled child in any sense is asinine, and that includes name calling, fear mongering, hate mongering, mud slandering, and it's idiotic to be trying to make a point of "My opinion's better than yours, so fuck you because of it" from anyone.
RedRagan: When I saw this topic I was thinking "Boy, the topic title is an obvious flame bait. I bet it only get a page or two before it sink to the bottom."

*Two days later*

Saw the same topic, now with 5 pages filled with angry people arguing about religion and science and politic.

Sigh... I overestimate people a tad bit too much.
QC: I think it's just the same 3 or 4, everyone else is trying to post gibberish.
I guess the fact that so many people are posting gibberish instead of rants is a good sign :P.
Lone3wolf: I'll take just one part of your reich-whinge distortion of truth/reality to point out the reality to. Others can pick apart the rest at will :

Context of what she said

But then, the Reich-Whinge, and FauxNoise are all about misquotes, lies, distortions, misrepresentations....
Whatever happened to "TRUTH, Justice, and the American Way"?
Oh, yeah. Subverted by BIG money.
infinite9: And that's how leftists (especially Labor Party minions) make their own arguments invalid.

1. Blame everything on Fox News just because it's the only major news network that doesn't lick Obama's ass
2. Accuse conservatives of only relying on Fox News for info
3. Accuse anyone who disagrees with left wing agenda of being bought
4. Bitch about "BIG money" while looking the other way when public sector labor union leaders and union leaders in a general sense donate to left wing candidates or when any big business leader donates to left wing candidates. See George Soros for further detail.

Pitiful Labor Party minion...
My dear chap, how pathetic. You know that axiom about never assuming because it makes an ASS out of U and ME? You just broke it.

I'm neither Left nor Right. I just do not like the lies and fabrications that certain people in the political sphere *NEED* to use to get their "point(s)" across. FauxNoise doubles down on that, and runs away with it. The GOP love it because it fits in with their particular strain of racism and hate. And it's not really just Faux - You got the known liar blogospheres such as Limpbawl, Beck and Breitbart (albeit he died, and his website is run by a bunch of particularly Reich-whinge [actual] criminals and perjurists these days)... and pretty much most of the so-called "liberal" media - most of which is owned by just 6 arch-conservatives, who fund the GOP and their ilk.

I've always kinda leaned towards Conservatives, in this country - Labour are just too incompetent to manage the Treasury properly...but these days, it seems the Tories are just as bad, but for different reasons.

The *ONLY* political party I've ever voted for were the Official Monster Raving Loony Party - and despite the name, were probably the sanest people ever to run for office. Both Labour and Tory stole [large] parts of their manifesto to enact. But then their leader died, and with it, the spirit of the party. Unfortunately.

And don't get me wrong in singling out BIG money - they buy anyone of any political stripe they can. Although, in this country, before Bliar took over, they did tend to spend more on the Tories...Labour and the Unions are another matter altogether - they *DID* bring the country to its knees throughout the 1970s - overthrowing elected governments when they didn't get their own way, Labour being far too weak to do anything other than wring their hands, and award massive public sector pay-raises the country could ill afford.

To borrow a phrase : The Truth Is Out There. But you have got to WANT to look for it, instead of just swallowing wholesale the rage machine propaganda, Left, right, or fruitloops.
infinite9: And that's how leftists (especially Labor Party minions) make their own arguments invalid.

Pitiful Labor Party minion...
Lone3wolf: My dear chap, how pathetic. You know that axiom about never assuming because it makes an ASS out of U and ME? You just broke it.
To borrow a phrase : The Truth Is Out There. But you have got to WANT to look for it, instead of just swallowing wholesale the rage machine propaganda, Left, right, or fruitloops.
To reiterate this PSA:
He's a political troll. He only appears when there's a Republican vs. Democrat thread and posts gloriously elaborate right-wing posts. Pay it no mind and we'd all be better off.
Lone3wolf: My dear chap, how pathetic. You know that axiom about never assuming because it makes an ASS out of U and ME? You just broke it.
To borrow a phrase : The Truth Is Out There. But you have got to WANT to look for it, instead of just swallowing wholesale the rage machine propaganda, Left, right, or fruitloops.
Spinorial: To reiterate this PSA:

He's a political troll. He only appears when there's a Republican vs. Democrat thread and posts gloriously elaborate right-wing posts. Pay it no mind and we'd all be better off.
Eh, the problem is not that it was gloriously elaborate, the posts I responded to were unfocused and just throwing SEVERAL unrelated points at once, a mishmash of USAian right wing talking points and namecalling.

Though I did get stunned by his initial salvo. I mean, really.
Luisfius: Eh, the problem is not that it was gloriously elaborate, the posts I responded to were unfocused and just throwing SEVERAL unrelated points at once, a mishmash of USAian right wing talking points and namecalling.
That's a hallmark of more sophisticated trolling. It superficially resembles a cogent argument, without actually being one. It's no longer as simple as "Yo momma fat" XD
Spinorial: That's a hallmark of more sophisticated trolling. It superficially resembles a cogent argument, without actually being one. It's no longer as simple as "Yo momma fat" XD
I'd like to bring back my earlier reference to Poe's Law:

"Any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook."
Luisfius: Eh, the problem is not that it was gloriously elaborate, the posts I responded to were unfocused and just throwing SEVERAL unrelated points at once, a mishmash of USAian right wing talking points and namecalling.
Spinorial: That's a hallmark of more sophisticated trolling. It superficially resembles a cogent argument, without actually being one. It's no longer as simple as "Yo momma fat" XD
I can appreciate that kind of trolling a bit. Some good trolls will build a stupid but convincing argument that will make normal and reasonable people frothing in their mouth and spend their precious internet hours to type comebacks,.

The best part is when the troll can pull in people with different POV and let them argue while the original troll slink away cackling.
hedwards: It's not really skepticism at this point. The evidence is in and the only thing left is to wait for it to happen if we don't make the necessary changes. The strength of the evidence is increasing with time, and it's difficult to find any mainstream scientists that are skeptical at this point.

Calling it current majority consensus is just plain silly. The portion of the scientific community that supports it is greater than ever in the past, and it's been growing to include the entire community. At the rate it's going, being a "skeptic" is going to be a bit like being a young world creationist. Sure there are others out there, but none that have any credibility.
king_mosiah: The day science takes a back seat to democracy is the day it dies. the majority can be wrong, and has often been wrong from the moment democracy was started in Athens by Cleisthenes. So, pardon me, but I will remain a skeptical of the scientific community on this matter partly because of its rather one sided political leanings and partly because they are just human like the rest of us, bust mostly because it is being sold like snake oil by politicians and quasi religious hacks. (again forgive weak English)
Scientific consensus means that there's a high level of certainty that climate change is real and caused by humans.

Unless, of course, you're seriously suggesting that we can solve climate change by voting not to haveit.

Honestly, you're almost as bad as those anti-vaccers. Had we chosen to do something about this 20 years ago, we'd be in a much stronger position to avert this disaster. As a result, of democracy not working, we'll have to pay a much larger amount of money and make much larger cuts than we would have had to 20 years ago. In the mean time, there are species going extinct at the fastest rate in the Earth's history.

Democracy has crap to do with it. Ultimately, people like you are to blame for keeping this dead debate going.
RedRagan: I can appreciate that kind of trolling a bit. Some good trolls will build a stupid but convincing argument that will make normal and reasonable people frothing in their mouth and spend their precious internet hours to type comebacks,.

The best part is when the troll can pull in people with different POV and let them argue while the original troll slink away cackling.
Very much so. It takes great talent, skill, and subtlety to achieve this, and I've not seen it done properly in a very long time :(
Nirth: Opinions like these is why being a politician must suck especially for those that are low-profile and don't get proportional rewards for their work.
yyahoo: I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but in the U.S. politics is dominated by the two party system. Politicians seldom have opinions of their own, and when they do, they promptly lose support of their party and thus their seat.

The few politicians that I have ever respected are the ones that represented their perspectives in their campaigns and then followed through with those positions and convictions regardless of what their party wanted them to do. Making promises, representing yourself honestly, and sticking to your promises and convictions? Again, I don't know how that is in other countries, but here in the U.S., it's *extremely* rare. Thus, my stated general opinion.
Depends where you are, the GOP is like that, but the Democrats aren't. Fortunately, the GOP is basically extinct around here. They just elected a former news reporter to head the state committee, and she herself, couldn't even win a seat in the state house.

Which is a pretty good indication of how well they're doing.
RedRagan: I can appreciate that kind of trolling a bit. Some good trolls will build a stupid but convincing argument that will make normal and reasonable people frothing in their mouth and spend their precious internet hours to type comebacks,.

The best part is when the troll can pull in people with different POV and let them argue while the original troll slink away cackling.
Spinorial: Very much so. It takes great talent, skill, and subtlety to achieve this, and I've not seen it done properly in a very long time :(
I seen it done once. But later that guy ruin his own rep by falling into an argument that pissed him off so bad he ended up copy pasting the entire content of holy bible on the thread and got the permanent boot from the mod. Not on GOG obviously.
yyahoo: I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but in the U.S. politics is dominated by the two party system. Politicians seldom have opinions of their own, and when they do, they promptly lose support of their party and thus their seat.

The few politicians that I have ever respected are the ones that represented their perspectives in their campaigns and then followed through with those positions and convictions regardless of what their party wanted them to do. Making promises, representing yourself honestly, and sticking to your promises and convictions? Again, I don't know how that is in other countries, but here in the U.S., it's *extremely* rare. Thus, my stated general opinion.
hedwards: Depends where you are, the GOP is like that, but the Democrats aren't. Fortunately, the GOP is basically extinct around here. They just elected a former news reporter to head the state committee, and she herself, couldn't even win a seat in the state house.

Which is a pretty good indication of how well they're doing.
Seriously? They're all alike, regardless of party. See my comment before. Our own "anti-war" president is getting ready to involve us in another country's war after a massive anti-war campaign and promises of not making mistakes like Iraq and Afghanistan again. Somehow Iraq and Afghanistan were none of our business, but Syria is? SMH
yyahoo: Seriously? They're all alike, regardless of party. See my comment before. Our own "anti-war" president is getting ready to involve us in another country's war after a massive anti-war campaign and promises of not making mistakes like Iraq and Afghanistan again. Somehow Iraq and Afghanistan were none of our business, but Syria is? SMH
First off, Afghanistan was completely our business, the mistake we made was failing miserably to set up the logistics and adequately protect the civilian population. As for Iraq, that wasn't any of our business, and we didn't send anywhere near enough troops in to prevent foreign fighters from coming in. And we didn't provide enough troops to prevent the genocide.

In terms of Syria, we haven't get sent anybody in, so it's premature to suggest that we're going to make the same mistakes. What's more, we already know that there are crimes against humanity being committed. I don't see how ignoring crimes against humanity is good for anybody. This isn't like Iraq where even at the time, it was well known that there were no WMDs, in this case, it's pretty well established that there are crimes being committed.

The fact that people think it's OK for us to sit idly by while crimes against humanity are committed is something that should be deeply disturbing to anybody with a conscience.
In other news, space is mostly dark.

You're honestly surprised with how anti-science and anti-people the Republicans are?
Darvond: In other news, space is mostly dark.

You're honestly surprised with how anti-science and anti-people the Republicans are?
I posted that a couple pages back. I think the real news is that there are any scientists that are admitting to being Conservatives and or Republicans.