Posted March 22, 2011
Only reason I'm with lloyds is because Natwest screwed me over. Had two accounts with them, a standard account, and a gold account (£12 p/m upkeep on it) anyway, 3 months in, job went tits up, so i phone up, transfer all but the next payment out of the gold account to normal account and ask 'em to close the gold account ... "That's done for you sir, you should recieve confirmation in the post in 7-10 working days." Thought all was fine and dandy, 6 months later, letter comes through "You owe us xxx" 6 months of payments, plus overdraft charges, and failed payment charges and interest. I contest it, they say they can only cancel accounts in writing... so I said "screw you" shortly after they transferred the negative balance over to the normal account and almost cost me a roof over my head (gotta love the recession)