Posted September 02, 2012

If you want to say America had a time it was great, it would have to consist of: No War, No Social Issues, No International War, Econimic Growth, and Social Prosperity. You have to go WAY back to find that anywhere, because you get the following.
90's: Gulf War, Tensions in the Middle East, Impeachment of Bill Clinton
80's: Hyper Inflation, High Gas Prices, The Cold War
70's: More of the Cold War, Cuba Missle Crisis, Wemon's and Black Rights
It goes further back and I'm certain I have a couple dates off, but still, it looks like THAT at least into the 1920's, because you also had the damn Dust Bowl, Hitler rising to power, the Great Depression, and you still wind up in a place that's ass backwards.
You probably think it was always great in all of that. But you know what, you aren't living it now. You're so paniced over the present times you forget that what you've already lived through was just as bad at some places and wonderful when the stars were aligned.
Ah,, and the bugets: Those need a 2/3rd's majority to vote as law, which again, didn't exist in both senate and house at the same time.

I probably dislike GWB more than you do - and unlike most Americans - I can actually articulate why I dislike him rather than repeating the same 3-4 talking points over and over again as learned from some half-wit media outlet.
I have a relatively small business and I hate the corporate welfare nonsense more than anyone because it directly impacts me. We have companies in America paying $0 in taxes because they're politically connected and can afford to pay lobbyists. Meanwhile, my business has a 42%+ annal tax rate! How is the hell is that fair?
Also I just have to mention that whlie I do agree with your general dislike of Bush, you are attributing way too many problems to him. It is expensive to do business in America for the most part and our taxes are VERY high if you actually have to pay them. That's why jobs go oversees. Taxes are only one part of the puzzle and it's a very large puzzle.
Here's the thing that you have to remember: Many issues came up that Obama inherited or occured under his office. Congress is very, VERY bipartistan right now, nothing got done because he still needs Congress to get anything done, he can't write laws otherwise. He could have done more, should have done more, Bush was a bad president yes, but he didn't cause everything, but he too should have done more, and the september 11 attacks created a ton of unity in congress, at least for the first couple years.
I still can't see the United States as being the greatest anything though. We have the most expensive army in the world for example, we also pay more thhan the next 5 countries combined, and carry more nuclear weapons than the next 3 weapons combined. I don't think we're spending all of that on soldiers, and we have the most advanced technology in the world already, I think we can afford to trim back some, but of course Romney and the GOP will say otherwise. If we're attacked, a terrorist attack, the military isn't going to be able to do anything to stop them, they exist to fight overseas. Stopping terrorism falls under the FBI, the Police, hard working men and women who do this every day rather than a few million soldiers who train to fight
Or, how about our economics? Housing crashes, the GDP is slowing, debt climbing. We still have the world's best economy yes, but only because nobody else could catch it before things went to hell here. China's catching up and now even they're about to run into a wall because of their practices.
For businesses going overseas, I've heard a bunch of them are coming back because the standard llving wages have jumped for chinese employees, and between that and shipping it's cheaper just to manufacture in the US. Taxes are an influence, and surely not the only influence, but of course many businesses that went overseas could afford to move in the first place, largely manufacturing.
Again, it's just one big mess we're in right now. It's going to take more than one presidency to fix, but I still feel Obama's methods would be a better way to go than with Romney, simply because Romney is going to make my school life more difficult and my family's work life more difficult, and I'm concerned enough as it is with the world how it is right now.