Posted September 01, 2012

Love Lumberjacks
Registered: Sep 2008
From Netherlands

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

New User
Registered: Aug 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted September 01, 2012
The GOP has been taken over by the authoritarians.
A large proportion of americans seem to be happy losing their rights (in the workplace, to justice etc) and tbe urned into serfs so long as they get to see others being gruesomely punished.
They're the kind of people you see who post like this every time:
The dems are just the same.
Obama messiah... blah blah utopian.
Folksy aphorism or quotation.
A large proportion of americans seem to be happy losing their rights (in the workplace, to justice etc) and tbe urned into serfs so long as they get to see others being gruesomely punished.
They're the kind of people you see who post like this every time:
The dems are just the same.
Obama messiah... blah blah utopian.
Folksy aphorism or quotation.

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted September 01, 2012

Reid can't bring anything for a vote until there's a successful vote to end debate. Which requires at least 60 votes to break a filibuster. If they don't break the filibuster then they can't hold a vote and hence it's never going to be up for a vote.
EDIT: Since you're American, please don't vote if you don't understand this aspect of the political system. It's not that complicated and should have been covered in secondary school. It embarrasses me whenever my fellow countrymen make these sorts of moronic claims.

A large proportion of americans seem to be happy losing their rights (in the workplace, to justice etc) and tbe urned into serfs so long as they get to see others being gruesomely punished.
They're the kind of people you see who post like this every time:
The dems are just the same.
Obama messiah... blah blah utopian.
Folksy aphorism or quotation.
If they do that, then the system would change very quickly. My home state does the first 2 things and the more moderate candidate has won every single D-D and R-R election we've had as the opposition supporters can have a meaningful say in the final result.
Post edited September 01, 2012 by hedwards

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

Reid can't bring anything for a vote until there's a successful vote to end debate. Which requires at least 60 votes to break a filibuster. If they don't break the filibuster then they can't hold a vote and hence it's never going to be up for a vote.
Also, in response to the OP, I thought the speech was pretty good. I see a lot of miseducated people quoting some terrible sources to support their points. Barack Obama has been a dismal failure and it's time for America to get back to what made us great to begin with. Besides, these days the Democratic party has become so racist and so extreme that I cannot even read an op-ed from a dem without getting a headache. I was a registered dem only 4.5 years ago! Man have times changed.
Post edited September 02, 2012 by tangledblue11

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

Reid can't bring anything for a vote until there's a successful vote to end debate. Which requires at least 60 votes to break a filibuster. If they don't break the filibuster then they can't hold a vote and hence it's never going to be up for a vote.

Also, in response to the OP, I thought the speech was pretty good. I see a lot of miseducated people quoting some terrible sources to support their points. Barack Obama has been a dismal failure and it's time for America to get back to what made us great to begin with. Besides, these days the Democratic party has become so racist and so extreme that I cannot even read an op-ed from a dem without getting a headache. I was a registered dem only 4.5 years ago! Man have times changed.

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

Reid can't bring anything for a vote until there's a successful vote to end debate. Which requires at least 60 votes to break a filibuster. If they don't break the filibuster then they can't hold a vote and hence it's never going to be up for a vote.

Also, in response to the OP, I thought the speech was pretty good. I see a lot of miseducated people quoting some terrible sources to support their points. Barack Obama has been a dismal failure and it's time for America to get back to what made us great to begin with. Besides, these days the Democratic party has become so racist and so extreme that I cannot even read an op-ed from a dem without getting a headache. I was a registered dem only 4.5 years ago! Man have times changed.
Do you really think that Sen. Reid would refuse to offer up a budget if he thought there was any chance of getting it past the GOP? What's more, not only does he have to get his chamber on board enough to get the votes, that something has to match up with the House version.
You can blame him for not providing a budget, but when all is said and done, I'm not sure that there's any real point in him proposing something just to propose it. The GOP lately won't accept anything that raises taxes and the Democrats won't accept anything that cuts certain portions of the budget.
Proposals for the sake of proposals are downright silly IMHO. The GOP has shown itself to be more willing to bankrupt the US than to compromise. What's the point of proposing a budget that's just going to get shot down by a bunch of antigovernment politicians? Doesn't make it right, but by the same token, it's completely understandable.
By refusing to offer up a budget they at least don't have it thrown in their faces for having to cover all the costs of running the government. And don't laugh, the GOP is pleased as punch to pretend like President Obama is the owner of the national debt, rather than just the section that was tacked on after he came to office. Or more appropriately the Federal government in general.
Yes, it sucks, but you can't negotiate with less than two parties, it just doesn't work.

Post edited September 02, 2012 by hedwards

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Love Lumberjacks
Registered: Sep 2008
From Netherlands
Posted September 02, 2012

Democrats are racist? I'm SORRY? Coming from the side who had followers throw peanuts at a black CNN reporter during their convention, shouting "this is how we feed animals"?
Go fuck yourself with a rake.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

Democrats are racist? I'm SORRY? Coming from the side who had followers throw peanuts at a black CNN reporter during their convention, shouting "this is how we feed animals"?
Go fuck yourself with a rake.
@hedwards: your entire post can be summarily dismissed by the following- nobody gives a fuck what excuse Democrats use to shirk their responsibilities. They don't put forward a plan because they don't want to be tied to ANY hard and fast agenda. They want to divide and misdirect; not have a substantive debate on real issues. Besides, they could always pose a budget that isn't dogshit retarded if they actually cared. It can't turn out any worse than Obama's budgets which have been unanimously voted down two years running.
Post edited September 02, 2012 by tangledblue11

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

Democrats are racist? I'm SORRY? Coming from the side who had followers throw peanuts at a black CNN reporter during their convention, shouting "this is how we feed animals"?
Go fuck yourself with a rake.

@hedwards: your entire post can be summarily dismissed by the following- nobody gives a fuck what excuse Democrats use to shirk their responsibilities. They don't put forward a plan because they don't want to be tied to ANY hard and fast agenda. They want to divide and misdirect; not have a substantive debate on real issues. Besides, they could always pose a budget that isn't dogshit retarded if they actually cared. It can't turn out any worse than Obama's budgets which have been unanimously voted down two years running. Republicans hate the thought of raising taxes with a passion when Bush showed that the taxes aren't doing anything to keep business here in the first place.
If you want to say America had a time it was great, it would have to consist of: No War, No Social Issues, No International War, Econimic Growth, and Social Prosperity. You have to go WAY back to find that anywhere, because you get the following.
90's: Gulf War, Tensions in the Middle East, Impeachment of Bill Clinton
80's: Hyper Inflation, High Gas Prices, The Cold War
70's: More of the Cold War, Cuba Missle Crisis, Wemon's and Black Rights
It goes further back and I'm certain I have a couple dates off, but still, it looks like THAT at least into the 1920's, because you also had the damn Dust Bowl, Hitler rising to power, the Great Depression, and you still wind up in a place that's ass backwards.
You probably think it was always great in all of that. But you know what, you aren't living it now. You're so paniced over the present times you forget that what you've already lived through was just as bad at some places and wonderful when the stars were aligned.
Ah,, and the bugets: Those need a 2/3rd's majority to vote as law, which again, didn't exist in both senate and house at the same time.
Post edited September 02, 2012 by QC

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012
My apologies, I'm not usually as big a hater as American Democrats. Any country in the EU auto fails which of course hinders most western European countries from seeking greatness. Once the EU collapses I'll re-evaluate my comments. :)

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted September 02, 2012
About the "greatness of america", very good scene from Newsroom.
About the "greatness of america", very good scene from Newsroom.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 02, 2012

@hedwards: your entire post can be summarily dismissed by the following- nobody gives a fuck what excuse Democrats use to shirk their responsibilities. They don't put forward a plan because they don't want to be tied to ANY hard and fast agenda. They want to divide and misdirect; not have a substantive debate on real issues. Besides, they could always pose a budget that isn't dogshit retarded if they actually cared. It can't turn out any worse than Obama's budgets which have been unanimously voted down two years running. Republicans hate the thought of raising taxes with a passion when Bush showed that the taxes aren't doing anything to keep business here in the first place.

If you want to say America had a time it was great, it would have to consist of: No War, No Social Issues, No International War, Econimic Growth, and Social Prosperity. You have to go WAY back to find that anywhere, because you get the following.
90's: Gulf War, Tensions in the Middle East, Impeachment of Bill Clinton
80's: Hyper Inflation, High Gas Prices, The Cold War
70's: More of the Cold War, Cuba Missle Crisis, Wemon's and Black Rights
It goes further back and I'm certain I have a couple dates off, but still, it looks like THAT at least into the 1920's, because you also had the damn Dust Bowl, Hitler rising to power, the Great Depression, and you still wind up in a place that's ass backwards.
You probably think it was always great in all of that. But you know what, you aren't living it now. You're so paniced over the present times you forget that what you've already lived through was just as bad at some places and wonderful when the stars were aligned.
Ah,, and the bugets: Those need a 2/3rd's majority to vote as law, which again, didn't exist in both senate and house at the same time.
I probably dislike GWB more than you do - and unlike most Americans - I can actually articulate why I dislike him rather than repeating the same 3-4 talking points over and over again as learned from some half-wit media outlet.
I have a relatively small business and I hate the corporate welfare nonsense more than anyone because it directly impacts me. We have companies in America paying $0 in taxes because they're politically connected and can afford to pay lobbyists. Meanwhile, my business has a 42%+ annal tax rate! How is the hell is that fair?
Also I just have to mention that whlie I do agree with your general dislike of Bush, you are attributing way too many problems to him. It is expensive to do business in America for the most part and our taxes are VERY high if you actually have to pay them. That's why jobs go oversees. Taxes are only one part of the puzzle and it's a very large puzzle.
Post edited September 02, 2012 by tangledblue11