I loved that show as a kid, but it just isn't the same now -- going through the motions of taking out a disc, popping it in, and then just watching it feels unnatural to me.
By that I mean, I loved anticipating this show as much as I enjoyed watching it. Comedy Central turned on, watching whatever is on, but always waiting for MST3K, watching the hour-hands slowly tick by on the clock. Finally, 10 minutes til showtime, I'd run downstairs and grab a packet of cheddar-cheese popcorn and chuck it in the microwave. Minutes later I'd come back upstairs with a giant bowl full of powdered-cheddar-cheese popcorn in one arm with some wet paper towels to not get cheese-orange on the carpet, just in time for that familiar jingle: " ♪ In the not too distant future... ♪"
IMO the show just feels strangely incomplete without that ritual of enthusiasm.