SirEyeball: BTW any mods to go with SoC that I should be aware of? user patch/unlocked content that sort of thing?
Sachys: For your first playthrough I'd reccomend complete - as it touches up the graphics / tweaks out bugs and doesnt alter the game beyond polishing it up.
If you want content addition / changes after your first playthrough or two, I'll give you a list then
Sachys: I think it's still buggy as hell mate - ive never bothered with it as yet though, so I only know what other modders / Stalkers have said.
I'm actually gonna disagree with this, although I recognize it as an entirely subjective opinion. If you can stomach some major quirks, I recommend going with the Zone Reclamation Project as the only mod for playing through SoC. It fixes bugs and adds some very minor balancing (all with a very handy front end for selecting what you do and don't want, something Complete lacks) without changing the core gameplay or atmosphere. Complete makes some gameplay changes that can mess with the game's difficulty curve later (some areas are like shooting fish in a barrel), and also changes the weird visual atmosphere of the vanilla game into something prettier but (IMO) less evocative. Also, some of the quirks it eliminates are actually pluses, in my opinion.
The problem with Complete is that a lot of people think it's just STALKER but prettier. It's not. It may not be quite as big a change as other mods (like LURK or Oblivion Lost), but it's still a different experience than vanilla STALKER.
Again, all of this is very subjective.
Fever_Discordia: I've not played these yet - would you classify them as Far Cry style open shooters, FPS / RPG hybrid like Deus Ex, I guess or Sandbox like.. Just Cause only less silly?
It's a open world FPS/survival/horror game. Very atmospheric, brutal psuedo-realistic combat, some minor survival elements... it's hard to describe, actually. It's STALKER.
The first game especially. It's just such a weird beast, in part because it's basically just a shell of what it was supposed to be, and has a TON of loose ends. I think they add to the charm personally, but...
the third game was the one that brought all the ideas together and made them work in a semi-coherent way. It's just a shame it forgot to bring the brutal difficulty and oppressive atmosphere along... -_-