TheJoe: Steam is a
content delivery platform. Its job is to let you download games. It doesn't care if they work or not.
SimonG: Actually, when you buy a game on Steam, they are your contracter partner in the sale. Making them responsible for the game to run. Now, reasons why a game on a PC doesn't work are far and wide. So if the game runs on the recommended system configuration, they did their job. If not, then it is their fault.
liquidsnakehpks: check there for any fixs
bioware is the one that should providing the support if anything
SimonG: Yes and no. Bioware is the one to actually provide support, because they are the only ones who can. But the customer should go to the retailer and bitch or get a refund from them. And then the retailer can go to he developer.
It is very common, also in physical retail, to have the seller send you of to the manufacturer. Which is also a possibility, if a warranty is issued. But without warranty, any claims are on a contractual basis against the seller.