Andy_Panthro: Hopefully they can actually do something quickly, from what I hear the rebel forces are pretty pinned down.
What's happening in Bahrain is pretty terrible too, if not quite on the same scale. The Saudi govt. sent 1k troops to support the ruling elites, and apparently most of the security forces there are not Bahraini. There have been reports of unarmed protesters being shot, and I've seen video of the protester camps on fire (not sure who caused it though).
It doesn't get the same level of news coverage though, and there's only so much I can find out without knowing Arabic. Getting most of my news from Al-Jazeera.
Not enough oil involved. Libya supplies the UK 2% of it's oil, hence the British government is all puffed up and ready to dive in.
Damuna: Why didn't this happen weeks ago?
They supply China and Russia with loads of oil, so they were worried of upsetting them.