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So, my wife and I were going to a local thrift store looking for a dressor/changing table for our baby due in Feb. I happened to see a small area that had games in it. To my surprise, it had two PC games, full retail boxes and everything, each for $1....

"Heretic" by Id, and "Majesty 2" by Paradox Interactive

I ended up passing on it them, but it kinda surprised me. Have you encountered unexpected deals like that lately? If so, what games?
$1 for each of those? Why didn't you snatch them up, brah?
My aunt wanted Alice: Madness Returns, but it had just come out. We found it at Gamestop, on the PC, for like, $29.99.

Edit: About a week or two after it came out.
Post edited November 12, 2012 by doccarnby
mondo84: $1 for each of those? Why didn't you snatch them up, brah?
I have such a backlog of games that I don't wanna get any games I don't think I'll play anytime soon. I thought hard about majesty 2, though, cause it looked like it might be fun. I'm not huge on strategy games, though.
At one point in GMG, I saw that Race 07 was like $9 or something and STCC was $4... and it looked to me if you bought STCC it also came with Race 07. It confused the hell out of me but after clarifying with GMG, it turns out it was in fact true.

So you can spend $4 to get Race 07 and the STCC expansion, or spend more to get only Race 07. Makes sense to me!
There have been full boxed copies of Mission: Humanity and Left Behind: Eternal Forces sitting in our local thrift store for weeks now, priced at $2 each I think.

Not exactly surprised that they haven't sold, but if for some reason anyone desperately wants one of them, PM me.

(There's also a full boxed Mac version of Heroes of Might and Magic III, also $2.)
Okay, so, there was once this chance for a really unexpected deal in an Anttila store (it's a Finnish department store chain). I was browsing the games, when suddenly some guy with a black eye came to me, opened his jacket and showed the freakin' cliché shady salesman view of games that were inside his jacket, and said that I could buy the new, unopened games from him for just 5 euros a piece instead of the 45 the store was asking.

A great deal, if you ask me. You could get busted by the guards as you're leaving the store without even knowing what's going on for just 5 euros. I fear someone might be blindly trusting enough to take the deal :p
A story from a while back...

A couple years ago I went to a toyriffic (used retro game store, like a retro version of gamestop) and they had a box of PC games. Since they don't nomrally sell PC games, every game was 99 cents. I picked up the Warcraft 3 battle chest for $2.17 in total. I was happy about that.

I tried reinstalling the game the other day, and it ends up that I scratched the disk during one of my moves. Kinda disapointing. It was a fun game!
Braussie: A story from a while back...

A couple years ago I went to a toyriffic (used retro game store, like a retro version of gamestop) and they had a box of PC games. Since they don't nomrally sell PC games, every game was 99 cents. I picked up the Warcraft 3 battle chest for $2.17 in total. I was happy about that.

I tried reinstalling the game the other day, and it ends up that I scratched the disk during one of my moves. Kinda disapointing. It was a fun game!
You can activate the CD-key on and download it from there if you want.
Unfortunately where I am it's difficult to find places with decent retro deals. A shame really. There is a massive stall at a market near where some relatives live though, with pretty much every past console you can imagine and games for each. Didn't find the particular thing I was looking for there, but there were a couple of diamonds in the rough.
Braussie: A story from a while back...

A couple years ago I went to a toyriffic (used retro game store, like a retro version of gamestop) and they had a box of PC games. Since they don't nomrally sell PC games, every game was 99 cents. I picked up the Warcraft 3 battle chest for $2.17 in total. I was happy about that.

I tried reinstalling the game the other day, and it ends up that I scratched the disk during one of my moves. Kinda disapointing. It was a fun game!
If you register the CD key to a Blizzard account, you should be able to redownload from (at least, that works with the original disks -- not sure about battle chest. Worth a shot though!)
I found a nice little gem in a Five Below (everything below $5 store) store this past Summer. Space Rangers 2 Reboot for $1.00. Such a good deal, I bought 2 of 'em, lol. Nothing but the game disc in the box, but it loaded up on the computer just fine, and no drm on it. Happy Camper...
Braussie: our baby due in Feb

(It's amazing how here people miss the important bits.) ;)

And remember that now you are buying games for 2, so don't miss amazing deals like these anymore.
Post edited November 12, 2012 by Andanzas
Borderlands 2 + Chivalry: Medieval Warfare + Darksiders II: Limited Edition.


nmillar: Borderlands 2 + Chivalry: Medieval Warfare + Darksiders II: Limited Edition.



That's awesome...
I haven't found any great deals on games lately, but I've been finding a lot of great deals on books at my local library these past few weeks.
Bought an unopened Dune Collection (this collection only consisted of the first 4 books) for $1.

I also bought some other awesomely huge encyclopedic-type books (A History of Narrative Film, The History of Art, and a managerial accounting textbook for $1 each)

Anyways, ended up with 7 books for $4