RaggieRags: I'm not sure if the results of that study were interpreted correctly. If you morph lots of faces together, the average face will probably look symmetrical, which looks more attractive than an asymmetrical one.
Good point. I've never thought about that, but it certainly makes sense, and would be a factor very hard to control.
Psyringe: Personally, I think that it would be silly to try to break such research down to an individual level. Partner preference is a highly individual variable, and it has so much variance _within_ the groups of both sexes that it simply doesn't make sense to calculate averages or rankings. Every time I hear something like "Men want ..." or "Women prefer ...", it makes me cringe a little. ;)
RaggieRags: I think it's very true you can't make any assumptions about what a particular person likes based on generalizations (I myself never seem to like what most others seem to like). However, I have never heard of any woman saying she likes beefy dudes. Muscular maybe, but definitely not the types you see in games. I'm not saying these women don't exist, I'm saying I've never know of one.
Yep. My remarks were meant in a general way, i.e. not as a specific reply to your post. The topic was just touching one of my pet peeves (the huge amount of effort that many people put into changing themselves into some stereotype that they _assume_ to be more attractive, instead of embracing the individual differences that make them stand out from the crowd).
You're probably right in saying that the current popular ideal of male attractivity is more Bloom-ish than Bean-ish. On the other hand, The Woman Of My Dreams (tm) absolutely adores Alan Rickman (luckily enough he isn't exactly available), another girl I know was infatuated with Andre the Giant, and in general I'm just happy that the variety in preference/taste matches the variety of human shapes and characters. ;)