trusteft: I disagree. Customers do not learn. You and me, maybe, but the vast majority, no. The only who might change are the vocal minority that screams in forums. Activision (and every Activision) will continue to make stupid amount of money from sequels etc. Why? Because people want them and will buy them.
Taking comments by a company man, personal, and then commenting on an unrelated thread in a forum, about how much one hates (because Activision raped your dog, right?) said company is as childish as one can get.
The sequels will sell...for awhile. Then people get tired of the same game series being milked to about the Tony Hawk series for an Activision example? How much longer do you really think people are going to drop $80+ for Guitar Hero games?
Now, if you keep introducing new content along with the sequels, you're fine because you have new material to sell when people get tired of the old. However, if you don't have anything new to move to, now you're screwed by your own shortsightedness.