Let me clarify. I would love the game to be longer, I think the chapter 3 should have been longer. However, I do not think that 50 hours is a golden standard.
I think that 35 hours for an RPG with huge quality is better than a longer RPG with less quality. I prefer playing the 35 hours of W2 than the 50 hours of W1.
Portal is 2 hours and its one of the best games this gen.
Length =/= quality
A game with huge quality that lasts 35 hours > a game that is 200 hours but isn't as well-crafted
Finally, its a matter of opinion. I respect that you think that anything less than 50 hours is a rip-off, but plenty disagree.
Goodmongo: Kitad, my point was that different cRPG games use different methods to entice the player to play the game twice. Some like KOTOR2 use the good vs evil option. DAO used the different classes with different starting beginnings. And ME (once it completes in ME3) is based on the your choices impact all future events. I have 4 saved ME2 games with different choices to see how they play out.
So what WE2 did was not unique or ground breaking. In fact BG2 did this in numerous parts of their game. There were other games where you had to pick a faction and then was limited to those faction quests and storyline. So this in nothing new to WE2. Heck Fallout 2 had many different endings based on what and how you played the game.
There is a very simple point. cRPG's have strived to get in over 50 hours of single playthroughs. If you don't believe me just do a search on this. You won't be able to find a decent cRPG with less than 50 hours. CPD by making WE2 with less tahn 50 hours is setting a very bad precedent. It's almost like they are breaking a cardinal rule. And if they get away with it without complaints is the new norm going to be 20 hours? 10?
I then tried to offer some very simple suggestions on where they went wrong and how they easily could have gotten to that 50+ hours. The most obvious is in dealing with chapter 3 and paying as much attention to it as the did the other 2 chapters. I also pointed out that a little more fights and exploration would have been nice.
I mean here you are in chapter 3. You just obtained a really cool sword and nice armor. You are at the peak of your powers. And what do you get to do? Maybe threee or four battles. It's a HUGH let down. I want to show the game world how uber I am and face some uber challenges. Instead I get next to nothing. I spend all of chapter one with one or two swords. Same thing for chapter two. But come chapter three I get this really cool sword and fight two stinking mobs with it. Now maybe to you that is rewarding but I felt cheated. And that is the beef I have.
Goodmongo: never wanted 50 hours for 50 hours sake. I didn't want stupid filler junk. I want the same quality of gameplay that the first two chapters were giving to me. And if they did that I doubt if you would have a topic like this one "Seems The Withcer II is too short". Whether or not that is 36 hours, 40 hours 50 hours or 60 hours we'll nver know.
But don't you realize that TW2 has immense quality and that CDP is limited to make the game as good as they can AND make it as long as possible?
I would love the game to be 200 hours long, that it included an incursion to Nilfgaard and that it even had more choices and consequences. But I know that games are hard to make and a game like that would take like 10 years to complete
In the end, it just depends on whether or not you feel like you got your money's worth. I did