Story:This is a cyberpunk-themed third-person shooter video game developed by Exact and Production I.G for the PlayStation.
The game plot revolves around a recruit of Public Security Section 9 as he investigates and combats the Human Liberation Front. The player controls a Fuchikoma, a robotic fighting vehicle capable of traversing walls and ceilings.Show more
I played the demo disk of this for hours, along with the Medevil and Spyro demos, it costs up to £150 for a copy of this now which is insane. Not sure if I'll ever get to see a proper pc port but for now I guess i'll just use an emulator.
demo disk, played the first level over and over again, always wondered whats beyond. help me satisify this curiosity. also it is probably the only ghost in the shell game that exists.
I love this game and its soundtrack, which I still listen to today. The game is fantastic with gravity-defying movement inside a combat robot. It reminds me a lot of a spaceship game with the robot walking on the ceiling. The animation between the levels has the excellent quality of an anime. This is a game that deserves to be kept with care on GOG.