Story:Grand Prix 4 also known as GP4 is the fourth game in the "Geoff Crammond Grand Prix" series based on the 2001 F1 Grand Prix series and was the last version of the game released by Geoff Crammond and MicroProse.
Arguably regarded as "one of the best" F1 games of its time and is Geoff Crammond's Magnum Opus before EA scooped up the exclusive F1 license for decades before current day Codemasters.
I reagarded all Crammod's series as pinnacle of F1 simulators back then. I can not count how many hundreds hours I played driving full time quali and races playing only on my keyboard. Competing in offline leagues in the Internet. Who would set best quali time and provide lap records. I was game of my life, at least back then :) Finally I got pc that woud run this gem smoothly ;)
A true Geoff Crammond's classic sim title. If GOG is going to consider classic racing sims, in my opinion they should start with Grand Prix Legends and Grand Prix 4. Please consider these titles.